} その他 – UTokyo FD

[July 25] Japan-Korea FD Comparative Symposium

We are very pleased to announce that we will host the “Japan-Korea Faculty Development Comparative Symposium” in a hybrid format on Thursday, July 25, 2024.

【Basic Information】

  • Date & Time:Thursday, July 25, 2024, 13:00-17:00
  • Format:Hybrid(In-person/Online)
  • Language:Japanese ⇔ Korean(Simultaneous interpretation available)
  • Venue
    • •(In-person):Daiwa House Ishibashi Nobuo Memorial Hall, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo(Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building, 3rd floor)
    • •(Online):Zoom(Details to be announced)
  • Details & registration:Please click here.


【Purpose of the Symposium】

This symposium will provide an overview of the current status and initiatives in faculty development (FD), comparing cases in Japan and Korea. This symposium will provide the participants with an opportunity to compare and discuss FD in Japan and Korea, and to think about the future prospects.


【Overview】(※Honorific titles omitted)(※The presentation titles are tentative translations.)

Moderator: Akira Haga (The University of Tokyo)

13:00 Opening
Greeting Takumi Moriyama (Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo)
Greeting Yasushi Asami (Director, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo)
13:15 Briefing Park, Wonhwa (The University of Tokyo)
== == Presentations == ==
①13:25 – 13:45 ”Adaptive Teaching Support System and Outcome Management of CTL in Korean Universities”
Nam, Min Woo (Daejeon University)
②13:45 – 14:05 ”The History and Current State of FD in Japan”
Hiroaki Sato (Osaka University)
③14:05 – 14:25 ”Growth of the Korean Council of University Educational Development Centers and Issues of the Journal “University Teaching and Learning Research””
Lee, Eunhwa (Silla University)
④ 14:25 – 14:45 “Current Status and Future Direction of FD/Pre-FD Initiatives at the University of Tokyo”
Kayoko Kurita (The University of Tokyo)

(15 min. break)

⑤ 15:00 – 15:20 “Current Status and Case Studies of Learning Support Programs in Korean Universities”
Yun, Hui-Jeong (Sookmyung Women’s University)
⑥ 15:20 – 15:40 “FD Initiatives at Shibaura Institute of Technology: From Individual Faculty Development to Curriculum Integrity”
Nobuhisa Sakakibara (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
15:40 – 16:00 Panel Discussion
Min, Hyeree (Seoul National University)
Park, Wonhwa (The University of Tokyo)
16:00 – 16:55 Discussion
17:00 Closing
(*17:45 – Reception)


【Details & registration】

Please click here (external website: Peatix) or follow this link to view the poster.

【Contact us】

utokyo_fd[at]he.u-tokyo.ac.jp (※Please replace [at] with @)


We sincerely look forward to your participation!


【October 28th】The 6th Symposium “Generative AI and Learning”

The 6th Symposium (Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)”Generative AI and learning” will be held.

Project Assistant Professor Akira Haga from our FD Unit will participate in the symposium as a speaker. The symposium is open to a wide range of audience, including those who learn, those who teach, those who support learning, and so on. If you are interested, please check the details below and join it.

Date & Time: Saturday, October 28th, 2023, 13:30-15:30

Venue: Online via Zoom webinar

Participation fee: Free of charge

Purpose: The University of Tokyo and Nagase Brothers Inc. have established “The Future Society Initiative fund of Nagase and UTokyo Innovative Learning Creation Studies” to contribute to developing an inclusive society through education. The 6th Symposium will focus on the possibility of using generative AI, and will introduce case studies and research mainly on the field of learning and technologies to support learning.

Click here for registration.


[Sep 4] UTokyo FD Open: Class Design and Micro-Teaching

The University of Tokyo Faculty Development Open (UTokyo FD Open) is a series of workshops and sessions conducted throughout the year and entirely in English. These events address key educational topics to promote the development of teaching skills at university level.

(For general information about UTokyo FD Open, please click here.)

Class design and micro-teaching (September 4th, 9:00-17:00)

Apply here or scan the QR code below



In this workshop, we learn about how to design, structure, and deliver a class. The participants prepare in advance a brief class that they teach to their peers and for which they receive feedback. Later, we discuss this feedback and further ideas to improve the design and deliver of the class.

Time & Format

September 4th, 2023, 9:00-17:00
In-person (at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo). The exact location will be shared with the participants


Dr. Gabriel Hervas


10 people
Participants from all institutions are welcome

(Note: Due to the practical nature of the workshop, the number of participants is limited, and a selection process will be conducted if the number of registrations surpasses the available spots. Still, this workshop will be repeated two more times during the year, so please apply to these other workshops if you are interested, as we will select different participants for each workshop).


Free of charge (lunch included).


Participants receive a certificate of completion.


Please click here or scan the QR code below.

Poster of the workshop

You can also download the poster in pdf from here. The poster includes the information of the three workshops on the same topic that we organize on different dates.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at utokyo_fd[at]he.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @).


UTokyo FD Open: Information and Application

※Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are not accepting applications now※

The University of Tokyo Faculty Development Open (UTokyo FD Open) is a series of workshops and sessions conducted throughout the year and entirely in English. These events address key educational topics to promote the development of teaching skills at university level.

Apply here or scan the QR code below

Features of UTokyo FD Open

○ Participants will be able to acquire and develop key educational knowledge and skills
○ Participants can create bonds with colleagues from different institutions and disciplines
○ The workshops are open to faculty, researchers and Ph.D. students, regardless of affiliation
○ Certificates of completion are issued for most events
○ The workshops emphasize reflection + discussion + practice (RDP)

UTokyo FD Open 2023-2024

UTokyo FD Open will offer 10 events (in different format and at different locations) addressing topics related with syllabus design, class design and microteaching, rubrics’ design, flipped classroom, peer-instruction, and the reflection around real practical cases. The details about each event are included in the following image, and also in the application form and the leaflet of UTokyo FD Open.

We are open to organizing new events based on your interests, so please reach out to us with them at utokyo_fd[at]he.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @).

Application (for all workshops and sessions)

Please click here or scan the QR code below.

The participants say…

“The teacher/facilitator has superb skills in navigating the workshop. He had been so keen in picking up the reactions of the participants, controlled/managed the workshop but also allowed participants to freely delve into deep thoughts and discussions.”

“(The strengths of the workshop were) Interactive and hands-on activities; Experienced facilitator; Relevant and up-to-date content; Clear learning objectives; Accessible and inclusive design.”

Leaflet with the information about each event

Please click here to download the leaflet in pdf.

Next events

Please click here to check the details of the next UTokyo FD Open event.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at utokyo_fd[at]he.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @).


【Event Report】UTokyo FD Open “Course & Syllabus Design” “Class Design & Microteaching”

Two workshops of UTokyo FD Open, “Course & Syllabus Design” and “Class Design & Microteaching”, were held on March 30th and 31st respectively in 2023.

These workshops were held at Hongo Campus. In total, 18 people participated in “Course & Syllabus Design”, and 10 in “Class Design & Microteaching”. The participants were diverse in affiliation, position, discipline, and region of origin.

For more information about UTokyo FD Open, please click here.

Event Information

3.22-23 Crafting Assessments for Critical Thinking 2-day workshop

GFD TALK Event: Crafting Assessments for Critical Thinking 2-day workshop

Speaker: Peggy Brickman
Date: Wednesday March 22 and Thursday March 23, Check schedule below
Venue: Komaba Campus, KIBER Building
Language English with AI-generated captions in Japanese
*After the completion of the workshop, a participation certificate will be granted

Register here


Event Information

New Workshop Series: UTokyo FD Open

We would like to inform and invite you to an exciting (free) new opportunity created at the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo, for those interested in developing their teaching skills regardless of their institution or organization: UTokyo FD Open.

The pamphlet attached includes the main details, but these are the highlights of UTokyo FD Open:

  •       ■  What: UTokyo FD Open is a series of workshops that address relevant topics on teaching and learning for those interested in developing their teaching skills. The workshops emphasize discussion and practice.
  •       ■  Language: English.
  •       ■  Participants & certificate: Those interested in improving their teaching skills, regardless of their affiliation and position (we prioritize those interested in university teaching). Participants obtain a certificate.
  •       ■  Where: In person, at The University of Tokyo (for now!).
  •       ■  Fee: Free


We launch UTokyo FD Program on March 2023 with two workshops by Dr. Gabriel Hervas, Project Associate Professor at our Center and designer of the program:

  •      ■  “Course and syllabus design”
  •      ■  “Class design and micro-teaching”


If you are interested, do not let this opportunity pass and apply using the following link (it includes details on the exact dates and on the workshops):


If you know someone who might be interested in UTokyo FD Open, feel free to share this information. We will also keep you posted about these and other workshops that will open throughout the year.

In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach us out at utokyo_fd@he.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Thank you very much for your attention. We sincerely look forward to your participation!


Introduction of “Global FD Talk Event ” held on November 22nd

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the presentation which will be held on Tuesday, November 8th. The theme is “The SCOPE of Sustainability Education in Japanese Universities: Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD)”.

Please read the datails as follows : Introduction of “Global FD Talk Event ” held on November 22nd 




Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on May 31

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to our workshop which will be held on Tuesday, May 31.

The theme is ” Team-Based Learning Hands-on Workshop ” and the guest speaker is Jesus Pulido Arcas (P.h.D).

Please read the datails as followsre listed below: → Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on May 31