

【募集】PAGEゲストワークショップ④ Teaching Effectively in English ~英語で効果的に教えるために~(講師:株式会社アルク専属コンサルタント 吉中 昌國 氏)


Applications are now open for our latest workshop on teaching effectively in English!



The globalization of higher education in Japan has resulted in an increase in the number of overseas students and in the initiation of programs enabling students to earn degrees through courses delivered entirely in English.

This workshop, delivered by Mr. Masakuni Yoshinaka, Global Professional Development Consultant with ALC Inc., will focus on topics such as “Designing Your Class” and “Teaching Diverse Students.” The program is intended for educators whose English language skills are the intermediate-to-advanced level. The workshop will benefit beginners who will begin, or have just begun, to teach in English, as well as educators who are already instructing courses in English.

<目的 / Objectives >


In this workshop, participants will be expected to learn about the following:

  • ・the smooth transition from Japanese to English as the medium of instruction
  • ・how to manage non-native English speakers learning in English
  • ・how to manage students from diverse linguistic or cultural backgrounds
  • ・the pedagogical techniques used at universities in North America・how to deliver the first class of your course

*The participants in the workshop will be expected to actively engage in group works (e.g. discussion) as well as to listen to lectures given by the instructor.


アルク専属コンサルタント 吉中 昌國 氏

Instructor: Masakuni Yoshinaka, Global Professional Development Consultant, ALC Inc.

Born in Kyoto, Japan, Masakuni Yoshinaka lived in the U.S.A. for 15 years and earned a master’s degree in Sociology from the University of California at Berkeley. He has worked as a translator and interpreter in San Francisco and in Silicon Valley. He has taught at numerous corporations and universities in Japan, and through his workshops, he instructs groups to achieve a global mindset, to appreciate and to handle diversity, and to attain the skills of intercultural communication, academic writing, and effective teaching.

<当日のプログラム / Agenda>

10:00~10:05 PAGE担当者によるごあいさつ・趣旨説明
10:05~10:10 Introduction + Ice breaking
10:10~12:25 授業設計のコツ(英語で教えることの問題点、教室英語、ノン・ネイティブとしての心構え、文法的間違いの種類、話すスピード、アカデミックライティングからアカデミックスピーキングへ、スピーキングを書き出すメリット、スピーキング練習など)、英語で授業を行う練習(初回授業の一部を実施)
12:25~12:30 質疑応答
12:30~13:30 昼休憩
13:30~16:55 学生の多様性に対応するコツ(多様性の意味とメリット、性的アイデンティティ、文化の多層構造、多文化への対応、文化の差と個人の差、コミュニケーション・スタイル、相互理解に役立つ表現)
16:55~17:00 質疑応答・記念撮影・アンケート実施等


10:00~10:05: Greetings from PAGE

10:05~10:10: Introduction and Ice breaking

10:10~12:25: Designing Your Course

  • ・the problems of teaching in English
  • ・the use of English in classrooms
  • ・English for non-native instructors
  • ・major and minor errors in English grammar
  • ・speaking speed
  • ・from academic writing to academic speaking
  • ・the benefits of writing down your speech
  • ・speaking practice: application of workshop learning through the teaching of a portion of the first class of the participants’ courses

12:25~12:30: Question and Answer Session

12:30~13:30: Lunch Break

13:30~16:55: Teaching Diverse Students

  • ・the meaning and advantages of diversity
  • ・the layers of culture
  • ・dealing with cultural differences
  • ・communication styles
  • ・useful expressions to enhance mutual understanding

16:55~17:00: Question and Answer Session, Group Photographs, and Feedback Questionnaires

<概要 / About>

日時 / Time:

Saturday, February 1, 2020, 10:00–17:00

場所 / Venue:
本郷キャンパス 情報学環・福武ホール 地下2階 福武ラーニングスタジオ

Fukutake Learning Studio, B2, Fukutake Hall, Hongo Campus

対象 / Requirements for application:

Participation is limited to those who study or work at UTokyo; are teaching courses in English; and have just begun, or will start, teaching classes in English.

定員 / Capacity of participants:

15 participants(applicants will be selected randomly through a lottery)

申込方法・申込締切 / Application details:

Please access the URL provided below for more details about the application process:

*Applications close on Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The selection results will be announced via e-mail by Tuesday, January 21, 2020.

言語 / Language:

English and Japanese

持ち物 / Note:

Participants must carry their own writing implements to the workshop.

参加費 / Registration fee:

No registration fees will be charged.

お問合せ先 / Contact:
東京大学 大学総合教育研究センター 高等教育推進部門 PAGE担当
E-mail: page-ea*tree.ep.u-tokyo.ac.jp(*を@に書き換えて送信してください)

PAGE, Division for Quality Enhancement of Higher Education, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo

E-mail:page-ea[at]* tree.ep.u-tokyo.ac.jp (*Replace [at] with @.)
