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【開催報告】PAGE Seminar: Researching local realities in the growing global phenomenon of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in higher education


大学総合教育研究センターが展開する国際化プロジェクト「Professional and Global Educators’ Community」では、2月16日にエジンバラ大学 教育学部 ニコラ・ギャロウェイ先生をお招きし、高等教育におけるEnglish Medium Instruction(EMI:英語で専門科目を教えること)についてのセミナーを伊藤国際学術研究センターにて開催しました。

当日は、EMIに関心がある方やEMIの研究者、EMIに関連する実践を行っている学内外の大学院生・大学教員19名が参加しました。セミナーでは、ニコラ・ギャロウェイ氏が”Researching local realities in the growing global phenomenon of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in higher education”と題して講義した後、参加者が情報交換を行いました。情報交換では、終始和やかな雰囲気で、参加者が自身の経験などを踏まえたディスカッションを行いました。参加者は、講義や情報交換を通じて、EMIの研究知見や実践に関する知見を深めるとともに、EMIコミュニティでのつながりを深めました。

なお、本セミナーの様子は、PAGE / English AcademiaのYouTubeチャンネルでライブ配信されました。現在も、当日の様子をアーカイブとしてご覧いただけます。


※PAGEプロジェクトの提供する無料英語オンライン講座English Academiaはこちら↓



【開催報告】PAGE:English Medium Instructionについて考えるワークショップ


大学総合教育研究センターが展開する国際化プロジェクト「Professional and Global Educators’ Community」では、2月13日にエジンバラ大学 教育学部 ニコラ・ギャロウェイ先生をお招きし、English Medium Instruction(EMI:英語で専門科目を教えること)について考えるワークショップ “Overcoming the challenges in English Medium Instruction (EMI) in higher education” を伊藤国際学術研究センターにて開催しました。



※PAGEプロジェクトの提供する無料英語オンライン講座English Academiaはこちら↓



【参加募集】English Medium Instructionについて考えるワークショップ

大学総合教育研究センターが展開する国際化プロジェクト「Professional and Global Educators’ Community」では、2月13日にエジンバラ大学 教育学部 ニコラ・ギャロウェイ先生をお招きし、English Medium Instruction(EMI:英語で専門科目を教えること)について考えるワークショップを開催します。


場所:本郷キャンパス 伊藤国際学術研究センター 3階 特別会議室










Professional and Global Educators’ Community
page-ea@tree.ep.u-tokyo.ac.jp[:en]Professional and Global Educators’ Community, a globalisation initiative run by the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, will organise a workshop on English Medium Instruction (EMI: teaching academic subjects in English) in collaboration with Dr Nicola Galloway, who is a lecturer in Education at the University of Edinburgh.


When: Wednesday 13th February 2019, 17:00 – 19:00

Where: Conference room (3F), Ito International Research Center, Hongo campus

For whom: Doctoral students, postdocs and other early-career researchers who study or work at UTokyo


In the workshop, Dr Galloway will give a talk on the present situation of EMI in Japanese higher education institutions. Dr Galloway’s talk will be followed by a group discussion session in which participants will exchange their opinions. For more details, please click on this link.


If you wish to attend the workshop, please register via this link.


The deadline for application is Wednesday 6th February 2019.


We are sincerely looking forward to your application.


Professional and Global Educators’ Community

イベント 新着情報




東京大学 大学総合教育研究センターのプロジェクト「Professional and Global Educators’ Community(PAGE)」では、「英語での講義とプレゼンスキルを磨くワークショップ」を、ブリティッシュ・カウンシルとともに開催しました。会場である本郷キャンパス山上会館には、東京大学の大学院生・教員をあわせた12名の方々にご来場いただきました。参加者の研究分野は生物学、経済学、ドイツ文学など多岐にわたりました。









※PAGEプロジェクトの提供する無料英語オンライン講座English Academiaはこちら↓











初年次ゼミナール理科 シラバス説明会

2018年12月14日(金) 17:30-19:30

【本郷キャンパス】東京大学総合図書館 別館地下1Fライブラリープラザ モニターエリア

教養教育高度化機構 初年次教育部門・坂口菊恵
教養教育高度化機構 初年次教育部門・椿本弥生
教養教育高度化機構 初年次教育部門・松本悠
教養教育高度化機構 アクティブラーニング部門・吉田塁




【開催】SciCom Training 実施のお知らせ

See English version below.

本学広報戦略本部にお勤めのサイエンス・コミュニケーターCaitlin Devor氏が主宰される科学コミュニケーションのためのスキルトレーニング講習会について告知を頂きましたので、転載させていただきます。



ゼミや研究室のメンバー以外の⼈たちにあなたの研究をどう説明しますか?研究を理解し⽀援してもらえるように話せていますか? 研究成果を広く知ってもらいましょう!

• 研修は無料です!
• すべての回に参加、もしくは興味のある回だけ参加することもできます。
• 国際シンポジウムなどで⾃信を持って話せるようになります。
• ⾮専⾨家に対して簡潔かつ効果的に⾃分の研究を伝えることができるようになります。
• ⾃分の研究について考え直すヒントが得られるかもしれません。


参加登録はこちらから: http://bit.ly/2xdnsB3

以下の⽇程の15:00 – 16:30に⾏います。(13:00 – 16:40の間は教室にいますので質問・相談


本郷:Go Global 多⽬的教室1
2019/07/18 (⽊) Elevator Pitch
2019/09/12 (⽊) Analogies
2019/10/10 (⽊) Visuals
2019/11/07 (⽊) Audience awareness
2019/11/28 (⽊) Flash Talks
2019/12/12 (⽊) Presentation Skills

柏: ⼤気海洋研究所講義室1(216号室)
2019/07/23 (⽕) Elevator Pitch
2019/09/24 (⽕) Analogies
2019/10/15 (⽕) Visuals
2019/10/29 (⽕) Audience awareness
2019/11/26 (⽕) Flash Talks
2019/12/10 (⽕) Presentation Skills

広報戦略本部特任専⾨員Caitlin Devor
caitlin.devor [at] mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

events.adm [at] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp



How do you talk about your research outside your lab or seminar group? Is your research winning friends and influencing people? Don’t let your next paper be a wallflower!
These six sessions cover essential science communication skills for researchers. Practice a variety of techniques in English useful any time you speak about your work.

• The training is free!
• Come to one or all of the sessions!
• Increase your confidence at international conferences or overseas trips.
• Describe your work to non-experts more effectively with multiple audiences.
• Reframe or refresh your thinking about your own work.

20 places for UTokyo students/researchers. Preference to PhD students and above if overbooked.

Register online: http://bit.ly/2xdnsB3

Classes 15:00 to 16:30. (Room reserved 13:00 to 16:40, so drop in if you have questions!)

Hongo: Go Global Classroom 1
2019/07/18 (Thu) Elevator Pitch
2019/09/12 (Thu) Analogies
2019/10/10 (Thu) Visuals
2019/11/07 (Thu) Audience awareness
2019/11/28 (Thu) Flash Talks
2019/12/12 (Thu) Presentation Skills

Kashiwa: AORI Lecture Room 1 (Room 216)
2019/07/23 (Tue) Elevator Pitch
2019/09/24 (Tue) Analogies
2019/10/15 (Tue) Visuals
2019/10/29 (Tue) Audience awareness
2019/11/26 (Tue) Flash Talks
2019/12/10 (Tue) Presentation Skills

Caitlin Devor, Project Senior Specialist, Division for Strategic Public Relations

caitlin.devor [at] mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Division for Strategic Public Relations, Strategic Public Relations Planning Office

events.adm [at] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp


【募集終了】[開催]若手研究者必見!英語での講義とプレゼンスキルを磨くワークショップ 参加者募集!





日時 2018年12月8日(土)10:00~17:30
場所 本郷キャンパス 山上会館 本館002会議室(地図
対象 本学に所属する大学院生・ポスドク・若手教職員
定員 12名(応募者多数の場合は抽選)※結果は11/30(金)までに,ご入力いただいたEメールアドレス宛にお知らせします。
講師 ブリティッシュ・カウンシル専任講師 アンディ・ドラウト (Andy Drought) 氏
言語 英語/中級以上の英語レベルが必要(ネイティブスピーカーによる英語での参加型レッスンに対応が可能であること)
申込方法 2018年11月25日(日)23:59までに、応募フォームからお申し込みください 応募受付は終了いたしました。たくさんのご応募ありがとうございました。
持ち物 筆記用具をご持参ください
参加費 無料


10:00~11:30 レッスン1:準備と構成 ~アイデアの準備から論理的な構成まで~
11:45~13:15 レッスン2:一貫性 ~効果的な始めかた、終わりかた~
14:15~15:45 レッスン3:ビジュアルを使う ~ビジュアル利用のガイドライン~
16:00~17:30 レッスン4:実際に行う ~強調表現とボディランゲージ~

東京大学大学総合教育研究センター 教育課程・方法開発部門 PAGE担当
E-mail: page-ea*tree.ep.u-tokyo.ac.jp(*を@に書き換えて送信してください)

イベント 新着情報


下記東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科・教養学部 附属教養教育高度化機構 アクティブラーニング部門よりご案内です。

アクティブラーニング部門では、研究、教育、業務に関する教員間の情報交換を目的としたKALS Lunchを開催致します。


KALS Lunchは、参加者の先生方が関心をもつトピックをテーマに、授業期間中、ランチタイムを活用して、毎月1回の頻度で定期的に開催する予定です。


【Announcement】KAKENHI WS in English

We have given workshops on writing grant and fellowship applications as an alumni program of UTokyo Future Faculty Program.

  • ・UTokyo Future Faculty Program: https://dev2.utokyofd.com/ffp/
  • ・Reports on previous workshops: https://dev2.utokyofd.com/archives/2132/   (I’m sorry that the articles are in Japanese)

This time, in conjunction with the Center for Global Communication Strategies, we are offering a two-day English workshop on writing applications for Kakenhi Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research for foreign staffs. We target those who are applying for the categories of “Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (“General” 基盤: Kiban)” and “Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (若手: Wakate).”

We would love you to participate in the workshop if you:

  •   are preparing an application for Kakenhi (mentee)
  •   have received Kakenhi grants before and are willing to support those who apply  (mentor)


No matter how amazing a project you are proposing, it may not always get evaluated fairly if your ideas are not received as intended by the reviewer. The purpose of this workshop is to ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly in your application. Consisting of peer reviews and commentaries by experienced grant writers, it helps you develop strategies and techniques for how to write Kakenhi applications in easily-digestible manners.

 Time and place

Day 1     Wednesday, October 10, 5:00 – 6:30pm @ KIBER 314

Day 2     Tuesday, October 16, 5:00 – 6:30pm @ KIBER 314

(it will be best if you come on both days, but it is possible to come on just one day)

 Tentative schedule (all in English)

— Day 1

17:00 – 17:15       Orientation : Self-introduction, overview

17:15 – 18:20       Whole-group review of applications

We will review and discuss successful applications together to identify the key points.

18:20 – 18:30       Reflection

 — Day 2

17:00 – 17: 15      Orientation : Self-introduction, overview

17:15 – 18:20       Peer review of applications

In pairs, participants will read each other’s application and provide feedback. We will do our best to assign a mentor to pairs of participants who have not received Kakenhi grants in the past.

 Prior preparation

 — Sign up on Slack

We will use Slack (https://slack.com/) and I will send you information about participating slack workshop after your application to the workshop.

 — Upload your application draft (for mentees only)

Write a first draft of your grant application and upload your application to Slack channel #application-draft at least one day before the workshop. The file name should conform to the following format:[kakenhi_applicaion_2018_category_name_v1.docx]

e.g., [kakenhi_application_2018_early career_Lui Yoshida_v1.docx]

 — Upload your completed checklist (for mentees only)

Download the appropriate check-list from the link below:


Upload your completed checklist to Slack channel #checksheet at least one day before the workshop. The file name should conform to the following format:[kakenhi_checksheet_2018_category_name_v1.docx]

e.g., [kakenhi_checksheet_2018_early career_Lui Yoshida_v1.docx]

 Things to bring (mentors do not need to bring anything)

  • ・Draft of your application (two copies if you have received grants before; three copies if you haven’t)
  • ・Laptop (if you need it)


  1. 1.You are not allowed to disclose information about other participants’ applications outside the workshop.
  2. 2.Participation in this workshop does not guarantee acceptance of a grant
  3. 3.Organizers will not be responsible for other adversities
  4. 4.To the extent possible, we will assign a mentor to pairs of participants who have not received Kakenhi grants in the past. We will decide the assignment based on the number of available mentors and the order of signing-up for the event.


 Sign-up form

Please input your information at least one day before the workshop

For inquiries, please use the inquiry form.   We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

Lui Yoshida,  the College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo

Kayoko Kurita, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, the University of Tokyo

(Great thanks to Dr. Daisuke Kimura for translation of this email.)[:en]We have given workshops on writing grant and fellowship applications as an alumni program of UTokyo Future Faculty Program.

  • UTokyo Future Faculty Program: https://dev2.utokyofd.com/ffp/
  • Reports on previous workshops: https://dev2.utokyofd.com/archives/2132/   (I’m sorry that the articles are in Japanese)

This time, in conjunction with the Center for Global Communication Strategies, we are offering a two-day English workshop on writing applications for Kakenhi Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research for foreign staffs. We target those who are applying for the categories of “Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (“General” 基盤: Kiban)” and “Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (若手: Wakate).”

We would love you to participate in the workshop if you:

  •   are preparing an application for Kakenhi (mentee)
  •   have received Kakenhi grants before and are willing to support those who apply  (mentor)

– Synopsis

No matter how amazing a project you are proposing, it may not always get evaluated fairly if your ideas are not received as intended by the reviewer. The purpose of this workshop is to ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly in your application. Consisting of peer reviews and commentaries by experienced grant writers, it helps you develop strategies and techniques for how to write Kakenhi applications in easily-digestible manners.

– Time and place

Day 1     Wednesday, October 10, 5:00 – 6:30pm @ KIBER 314

Day 2     Tuesday, October 16, 5:00 – 6:30pm @ KIBER 314

(it will be best if you come on both days, but it is possible to come on just one day)

– Tentative schedule (all in English)

— Day 1

17:00 – 17:15       Orientation

Self-introduction, overview

17:15 – 18:20       Whole-group review of applications

We will review and discuss successful applications together to identify the key points.

18:20 – 18:30       Reflection

 — Day 2

17:00 – 17: 15      Orientation

Self-introduction, overview

17:15 – 18:20       Peer review of applications

In pairs, participants will read each other’s application and provide feedback. We will do our best to assign a mentor to pairs of participants who have not received Kakenhi grants in the past.

– Prior preparation

 — Sign up on Slack

We will use Slack (https://slack.com/) and I will send you information about participating slack workshop after your application to the workshop.

 — Upload your application draft (for mentees only)

Write a first draft of your grant application and upload your application to Slack channel #application-draft at least one day before the workshop. The file name should conform to the following format:[kakenhi_applicaion_2018_category_name_v1.docx]

e.g., [kakenhi_application_2018_early career_Lui Yoshida_v1.docx]

 — Upload your completed checklist (for mentees only)

Download the appropriate check-list from the link below:


Upload your completed checklist to Slack channel #checksheet at least one day before the workshop. The file name should conform to the following format:[kakenhi_checksheet_2018_category_name_v1.docx]

e.g., [kakenhi_checksheet_2018_early career_Lui Yoshida_v1.docx]

– Things to bring (mentors do not need to bring anything)

Draft of your application (two copies if you have received grants before; three copies if you haven’t)

Laptop (if you need it)

– Notes

  1. You are not allowed to disclose information about other participants’ applications outside the workshop.
  2. Participation in this workshop does not guarantee acceptance of a grant
  3. Organizers will not be responsible for other adversities
  4. To the extent possible, we will assign a mentor to pairs of participants who have not received Kakenhi grants in the past. We will decide the assignment based on the number of available mentors and the order of signing-up for the event.

– Sign-up form

Please input your information at least one day before the workshop

Mentees: https://goo.gl/forms/hHoR5dBA8tSnoLWO2

Mentors: https://goo.gl/forms/qEZir8AR1O7ovjMF3

For inquiries, please use the inquiry form.   We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

Lui Yoshida,  the College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo

Kayoko Kurita, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, the University of Tokyo

(Great thanks to Dr. Daisuke Kimura for translation of this email.)