東京大学駒場のグローバルFD部門主催で、ロチェスター工科大学准教授(分子生物学教育研究グループ共同ディレクター)Dina Newman 博士を招いたワークショップが、来る11月18日(水)に開催されます。
日 時:11月18日(水)9:00~10:45(日本時間)
場 所: Zoomでの開催 ( https://forms.gle/BX3CvNJVNvK7ZV5M8 で参加のご登録をして下さい)
対 象:東京大学の教職員・学生など
言 語:英語と日本語(同時通訳あり)
9:00-9:05: はじめに
9:05-9:45: セッション1
(Newman 博士が専門分野での軌跡をたどり、生物学的研究から
9:45-9:55: 質疑応答
9:55-10:00: 休憩
9:55-10:35: セッション2
(Newman 博士が分子生物学での最近の研究、特に学部生に遺伝
10:35-10:45: 質疑応答
お問い合わせ先: 東京大学グローバルファカルティディベロップメント委員会
As part of our Global FD initiative at UTokyo, Global Faculty Development Program (Komaba) will be holding an FD Workshop on 2020, 18th November, Wednesday.
The lecturer will be Dr. Dina Newman, Associate Professor and Co-Director of The Molecular Biology Education Research group at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Details about the workshop are listed below:
Exploring Research Trajectories in Biology: Integrating Research into Teaching
Date: 18th Nov. Wednesday, 2020 9:00-10:45 *JST
Place: Zoom Meeting style
Registration: Encouraged with the link below
Eligibility: All faculty, staff and students welcome!
Language: English and Japanese
* Simultaneous translation will be available.
Admission: Free
Inquiries: GFD committee e-mail: gfd-tokyo@adm.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Workshop description
Dr. Newman is an associate professor and co-director of the Molecular Biology Education Research (MBER) group at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
About 10 years ago, she shifted her research entirely from traditional laboratory science to biology education research. In the first part of this workshop, Dr. Newman will describe her background, why she chose to change her scholarship, and then how she approached the change in her research. In the second part of the workshop, she will describe her recent research using visual representations in molecular biology.
Tentative schedule
9-9:05am: Introduction
9:05-9:45: First session
(Dina will describe her professional trajectory and how she switched from biology research to pedagogical research in biology.)
9:45-9:55: Q&A
9:55-10:00: Breaktime
9:55-10:35: Second session
(Dina will discuss her recent research in molecular biology and, in particular, teaching genetics to undergraduate students.)
10:35-10:45: Q&A