} Privacy Policy – UTokyo FD

Privacy Policy

The Center adheres to laws, regulations, and University rules, including The University of Tokyo Rules on Measures for Proper Management of Retained Personal Information, etc., and endeavors to protect personal information based on the policies below.
・The University of Tokyo Rules on Measures for Proper Management of Retained Personal Information, etc.
・University of Tokyo Rules

1. Obtaining personal information

The Center obtains personal information only when the personal information obtained is necessary for the execution of its duties, and does not exceed the scope of its purposes of use. Information is obtained through legal and fair means.

2. Uses of personal information

The Center will not use information for any purpose other than the purposes of use or offer information to a third party without the prior consent of the individual, except as otherwise provided for by laws and regulations.
If, in accordance with laws and regulations, information is offered to a third party, or the duty of handling personal information is entrusted to a third party, the third party in question will be subject to strict investigation regarding their ability to safely protect and manage, etc. this personal information, and will be supervised in an appropriate manner when handling personal information.
Any personal information obtained through this website(https://www.he.u-tokyo.ac.jp/)will be used for the following purposes: (1)The operation, maintenance, and management of this website
(2)To respond to inquiries through this website
(3)To carry out work in accordance with other laws and regulations and the University of Tokyo Rules

3. Managing personal information

The Center provides appropriate management for any personal information it retains, and endeavors to protect personal information by taking necessary measures such as information security measures to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, and/or leakage of this information.

4. Ensuring safety through SSL, etc.

When personal information is registered on this website, the Center takes necessary measures to ensure safety to a reasonable extent through SSL, etc.