

2月22日開催【グローバルFD主催ワークショップ】Teaching Sustainable Development in Higher Education

東京大学駒場のグローバルFD部門の主催で、KTH王立工科大学Anders Rosén博士を講師とするワークショップが、来る2月22日(月)に開催されます。





日 時:2月22日(月)16:00~18:00(日本時間) その後、ご関心ある方での討論会を行う予定

場 所: Zoomでの開催

https://forms.gle/YWKXtsjEa2wttZ3AA でご登録下さい。

内 容
1.持続可能な開発のための教育の一般的な紹介 ―なぜ、何を、どのように
2. 国連の2030アジェンダにおける持続可能な開発目標についてのハンズオンワークショップ

対 象:東京大学の教職員・学生など

言 語:英語と日本語(英語→日本語への同時通訳あり)


お問い合わせ先: 東京大学 Global Faculty Development Program 事務局



The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to our f workshop which will be held on Monday, February 22nd. This event will provide a general introduction to education for sustainable development with specific examples from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Guest speaker will be Dr. Anders Rosén, an associate professor in Naval Architecture at the KTH Department of Engineering Mechanics.

Details about the workshop are listed below:

TitleTeaching Sustainable Development in Higher Education

Date: Monday, February 22nd from 4-6pm (JST)

*From 6pm onwards, there will be extra time for discussion (for interested participants).

Place: Zoom Meeting style

Registration: Encouraged with the link below         


(Link will be sent to all registered participants the day before the workshop)

ContentsWe will cover the following:

  • General introduction to sustainable development – why, what, how.
  • Hands-on workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals in UN’s 2030 Agenda.
  • Insights on how KTH Royal Institute of Technology is working to integrate sustainable development into educational programs.
  • Discussion on status and opportunities for integrating sustainable development at the University of Tokyo (and Japanese universities more generally).

Eligibility: All faculty, staff, and students welcome!

Language: English and Japanese

* Simultaneous translation (English to Japanese) will be available.

Admission: Free

Inquiries: GFD committee     (e-mail: global.fd@adm.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp )
