Global Faculty Development Program(GFD)主催ワークショップが、来る12月7日(月)午前中に開催されます。
日 時: 2020年12月7日(月)午前10時~11時45分(日本標準時)
場 所:オンライン開催(ZOOM)
申 込: でご登録下さい。
対 象:東京大学の教職員・学生など
言 語:英語・日本語(同時通訳の予定)
参加費 :無料
10:00-10:05 イントロダクション
10:05-10:45 第一部
10:45-10:55 質疑応答
10:55-11:00 休憩
11:00-11:35 第二部
11:35-11:45 質疑応答
お問い合わせ先: 東京大学Global Faculty Development Program事務局
(メール )

カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校の人類学の教授。 彼女の研究と教育は、環境リスクと災害、データの実践と政治、実験的民族誌的方法と研究デザインに焦点を当てている。
現在は実験的共同民族誌プラットフォームの支援を受けて「Asthma Files」「Quotidian Anthropocene Project」「Transnational Disaster STS COVID-19 Project」など、さまざまな共同プロジェクトに取り組んでいる。
フォーチュン先生はペンシルバニア大学出版局のために、学術研究を公共の問題や政策と結びつけ、世界のさまざまな地域の聴衆に届くようにデザインされた書籍シリーズ「Critical Studies in Risk and Disaster」を共同編集している。
2017 年 9 月~ 2019年 9 月、科学技術研究分野を代表する国際的な学術団体である科学社会学会の会長を務めた。
As part of our Global FD initiative at UTokyo, Global Faculty Development Program (Komaba) will be holding an FD Workshop on 2020, 7th December, Monday.
The lecturer will be Dr. Kim Fortun, Professor in the University of California Irvine’s Department of Anthropology.
Details about the workshop are listed below:
Name of the Workshop: Building Critical Capacities Through Environmental
Injustice Case Study Research
with Dr. Kim Fortun (UC Irvine)
Date: 7th Dec. Monday, 2020 10:00-11:45 *JST
Place: Zoom Meeting style
Registration: Encouraged with the link below
Eligibility: All faculty, staff and students welcome!
Language: English and Japanese
* Simultaneous translation will be available.
Admission: Free
Tentative schedule
10-10:05am: Introduction
10:05-10:45: First session
10:45-10:55: Q&A
10:55-11:00: Breaktime
11:00-11:35: Second session
11:35-11:45: Q&A
Contact information:
Workshop description
Addressing current and accelerating environmental injustice around the world will depend on students we are educating today. Students need to learn about many types of environmental hazards and how to quickly characterize the different contexts and communities impacted by them. They need experience working with different kinds of data and to develop sharp analytical skills.
In this presentation, I’ll share the Environmental Injustice Case Study Framework and how we have mobilized it both in our classrooms and in the communities we study.

Speaker Biography
Kim Fortun is a Professor in the University of California Irvine’s Department of Anthropology. Her research and teaching focus on environmental risk and disaster, data practices and politics, and experimental ethnographic methods and research design. Her research has examined how people in different geographic and organizational contexts understand environmental problems, uneven distributions of environmental health risks, developments in the environmental health sciences, and factors that contribute to disaster vulnerability.
Currently, she is working on an array of collaborative projects, including the Asthma Files, the Quotidian Anthropocene Project, and the Transnational Disaster STS COVID-19 Project, all supported by the Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography. Fortun co-edits a book series for University of Pennsylvania Press, Critical Studies in Risk and Disaster, designed to connect academic research to public problems and policy, reaching audiences in different regions of the world.
September 2017- 2019, Fortun served as President of the Society for Social Studies of Science, the international scholarly society representing the field of Science and Technology Studies.