} How to Take “Interactive Teaching” – UTokyo FD

How to Take “Interactive Teaching”

Self-Study Materials

Self-Study Materials

How to Take
“Interactive Teaching”

There are two ways to take the course “Interactive Teaching.”

  • 1

    Learn with Coursera as a single course.

  • 2

    Learn with the videos you are interested in.

How to Take “Interactive Teaching”
How to Take “Interactive Teaching”

Learn with Coursera as a single course.

Coursera is a massive open online course (MOOC). It is a global online learning platform available for everyone, where renowned universities and corporations provide learning content or courses.
An additional fee is necessary for a certificate. Otherwise, access to all course materials is free. For more details, please click here.

Learn with the videos you are interested in.

“Interactive Teaching” consists of more than 80 videos. If you would prefer viewing particular videos to learning the whole course systematically, please refer to the video clip here.


Please click here to download the worksheets before taking the course.