} [Report] Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 1st Real Session DAY 1 – UTokyo FD



[Report] Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 1st Real Session DAY 1

  • 【Overview of the Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 1st Real Session]
  • Date/Time: September 17th (Sat), 2022, 9:00–16:40, 18th (Sun), 9:00–16:00, and 19th (Mon/*Holiday), 9:00–17:10
  • Format: Face-to-face
  • Venue: Faculty of Education Bldg., Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
  • Instructors: Kayoko Kurita and Wonhwa Park (The University of Tokyo)
  • ・Staff: Airi Kawakami and Osami Nabeta (The University of Tokyo)
  • Intended for: Those who completed “Interactive Teaching” and are able to work on pre-assignments
  • Language: Japanese
  • Fee: Free of charge


“Coursera ‘Interactive Teaching’: The 1st Real Session” was held as a face-to-face event on September 17th, 18th, and 19th. The Real Session was intended for those who had completed the course “Interactive Teaching,” and 10 people with various occupations and affiliations gathered from across the country.

The following is a brief summary of DAY 1.


■Objectives of the Real Session

  • 1. Be able to devise methods that help you induce/maintain/enhance students’ motivation.
  • 2. Be able to design a class that lets students learn actively.
  • 3. Experience active learning strategies and be able to use them.
  • 4. Be able to describe a course that lets students learn actively in the form of a syllabus.
  • 5. Be able to design an evaluation based on essential knowledge.
  • 6. Be able to apply what you learned when conducting a lecture for microteaching sessions.
  • 7. Be able to envision your career path and organize your daily activities and future prospects.

The objectives for DAY 1 were 1, 2, and 6 in the above list.


■DAY 1 Schedule











  • Preparation
  • Participants worked on pre-assignments and prepared the following materials for the session: (1) a 6-min lecture for microteaching sessions, (2) class design, and (3) a text syllabus. Also, they posted a self-introduction in Google Classroom.


  • DAY 1 (September 17th, 2022)
  • [Introduction] (9:00–9:25)
  • The session started at 9:00 by sharing goals and objectives, followed by a brief self-introduction of the instructors, staff, and participants.


  • [Microteaching Session: The 1st Trial] (9:25–12:35)
  • Each participant conducted a lecture for microteaching sessions in two groups. They were reminded of the basic principles (such as “3Ks”) and how to take part in role-playing before delivering a lecture one by one, just like the regular UTokyo FFP classes as described as follows:
  • STEP 1: A participant conducts a lecture as a lecturer. (6 min)
  • STEP 2: The lecturer-participant receives feedback from the instructor while the other participants fill in the feedback sheets.
  • STEP 3: Participants exchange feedback in a group to improve the lecture.
A participant conducting a lecture for the microteaching session


  • [Class Design] (13:35–15:05)
  • Dr. Kurita gave a lecture on class design. Participants worked on an activity to revise the learning objectives of their lectures.
The lecture on goals and objectives


  • [Break] (15:05–15:20)
  • We asked participants beforehand if they could bring their local snacks. Thanks to all the participants, the snack area was filled with a variety of sweets. We offered coffee, tea, and some others for a drink.
Snack area


  • [Motivation] (15:20–16:45)
  • Dr. Kurita gave a lecture on motivation. In the activity “Let’s give advice to a professor,” participants discussed in groups what kind of advice they should give to an instructor about his/her concern. Also, they worked on revising their lectures by applying what they had learned in the session in the activity “Refining lectures for microteaching sessions.”
Group activity on motivation


  • [Wrap-up] (16:45–17:00)
  • Participants reflected on the goals and objectives of DAY 1 and individually organized what they had learned and their thoughts.


Participants had a busy schedule on DAY 1, starting with a microteaching session in the morning and lectures and activities in the afternoon, but they all stayed focused and eagerly worked on every task.

  • Click here for the details of DAY 2.
  • (Click here for the details of DAY 3.)


Airi Kawakami (Project Academic Specialist in charge of “Interactive Teaching”)

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