Interactive Teaching
Interactive Teaching
Program Overview
The program has eight WEEKs, each comprising three sessions: Knowledge, Skill, and Story. Please refer to the “Learning Contents” for details on each WEEK.
The Knowledge Session will help you to systematically acquire the knowledge necessary to make your class interactive and learn how to prepare yourself as an instructor. The following topics will be covered: ① Basic knowledge of active learning; ② Active learning methods; ③ Learning sciences related to motivation, mastery, and feedback; ④ Designing a 90-minute class; ⑤ Designing a syllabus of a course; ⑥ Evaluations to promote learning; ⑦ General overview of Japanese higher education and what faculty members should be, and ⑧ Creating a structured academic portfolio to envision a career path as a faculty member.

The Skill Session will help you acquire skills in creating a space where participants can learn actively. Based on the philosophy, “The crucial point is invisible,” the instructors, who usually work as stage actors, will help you learn about “how to communicate” in an experiential way by covering topics such as how to create a space, how to improve your diction, and how to relieve your tension.
In the Story Session, 15 leading researchers and practitioners in various fields will share their thoughts and experiences related to teaching.
The program is designed for face-to-face classes, but its topics are universal to online classes and other styles by covering motivation theory, class design, evaluation, etc.
Learning Contents
Week 1
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Week 2
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Dr. Naomi Miyake (Professor, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo) “Collaborative Learning: Let’s Make Classes in Senior High Schools Interactive!”
Week 3
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
Week 4
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Dr. Takehiko Kariya (Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford) “Comparison between Japan, U.S.A., and the U.K. on How to Teach and Learn: What an Instructor Can Do”
Week 5
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Dr. Akinori Yamabe (Project Assistant Professor, Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) “Classes that You Create with Students”
Week 6
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Mr. Masanori Kato (President, Action Design Inc.) “Organizational Reform and Human Resource Development through the Use of Dialog”
Week 7
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Mr. Takaki Asada (Teacher, Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High School) “Making Use of Drama in Class”
Week 8
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
*Affiliation and positions are as of August 2014.
Week 1
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Week 2
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Dr. Naomi Miyake (Professor, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo) “Collaborative Learning: Let’s Make Classes in Senior High Schools Interactive!”
Week 3
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
Week 4
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Dr. Takehiko Kariya (Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford) “Comparison between Japan, U.S.A., and the U.K. on How to Teach and Learn: What an Instructor Can Do”
Week 5
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Dr. Akinori Yamabe (Project Assistant Professor, Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) “Classes that You Create with Students”
Week 6
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Mr. Masanori Kato (President, Action Design Inc.) “Organizational Reform and Human Resource Development through the Use of Dialog”
Week 7
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
・Mr. Takaki Asada (Teacher, Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High School) “Making Use of Drama in Class”
Week 8
Knowledge Session
Skill Session
Story Session
*Affiliation and positions are as of August 2014.