
UTokyo Global FFDP

Other Related Programs

UTokyo Global FFDP and its members currently cooperate with diverse training activities inside and outside the University. (For the past activities, see “History” below and, for the last events, please click here.)


The University of Tokyo Faculty Development Open (UTokyo FD Open)

A series of workshops delivered in English addressing educational topics relevant for those interested in developing their teaching skills that builds upon the experience of UTokyo Global FFDP. For more information, please click here.

Social program for community building

Extra-curricular and educational activities.

UTokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)

A Japanese program which supports participants in acquiring skills and knowledge related to teaching at university. This program is the Japanese version of UTokyo Global FFDP. For more information, please click here.

Interactive Teaching

An online course intended not only for graduate students and faculty members, but also for a wider audience. The course is built upon the structure of UTokyo FFP. For more information, please click here.