} 【Report】UTokyo Global FFDP 2nd Edition:DAY 3 – UTokyo FD



【Report】UTokyo Global FFDP 2nd Edition:DAY 3

The third session (DAY 3) of the 2nd edition of UTokyo Global FFDP was held online on Tuesday, June 6th, 2023. The topic of the session was “assessment, evaluation and feedback“. The following are some of the key moments (highlights) of the session.


First, we paid explicit attention to the participants’ learning process and gains by:

  • a) Comparing the responses to the same/similar questions on different moments of the course

  • b) Reviewing their emerging learning on teaching and learning techniques and on the use of rubrics by making use of questions that the participants had created before the class

Also, during the class we discussed our feedback and ideas to create multiple-choice questions. Among others, we talked about the use of certainty-based marking/confidence assessment. The idea is that points are assigned for each response based on how confident the learner feels answering each question.

The images on the following slide belong to/are extracted from: Wu, Q., Vanerum, M., Agten, A., Christiansen, A., Vandenabeele, F., Rigo, J. M., & Janssen, R. (2021). Certainty-Based Marking on Multiple-Choice Items: Psychometrics Meets Decision Theory. Psychometrika, 86(2), 518-543.

Another highlight of the class is when the participants learnt about speed-dating as a teaching and learning strategy through experiential learning (they went through the experience of speed-dating). While doing this in an on-line setting can be challenging, we were glad to see smiles on their faces at the end!


During the class, we built on the emerging learning of the participants (after watching a couple of videos before the class). In groups, they discussed the creation of a rubric to assess groupwork and a created a table summarizing key ideas about the different natures and purposses of assessment.

Lastly, we discussed with the participants ideas on the features of quality feedback.

At the end of the class, we looked through the information about the next class and the tasks to fulfill before that.

Stay tuned for new reports of UTokyo Global FFDP after DAY 4! The next session will be held in-person!


Dr. Gabriel Hervas (Lecturer. Project Associate Professor)

Ms. Airi Kawakami(Staff. Project Academic Specialist)

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