} [Event Report] “The 11th Mini-lecture Program at the Library” – UTokyo FD



[Event Report] “The 11th Mini-lecture Program at the Library”

“The 11th Mini-lecture Program at the Library” took place on November 8th, 2018.

We held the event at the Library Plaza (General Library Annex) for the first time.
Following the same style as the previous event (the 10th Program), those who completed the 11th UTokyo FFP conducted mini-lectures they worked on in the microteaching sessions.
For more details on the microteaching and the previous event, please click here.

The audience was 17 people (including the speakers) consisting of graduate students and faculty/staff members at the University of Tokyo and other universities.
We received positive feedback from the participants. About 75 percent chose 4 or 5 when asked the following five-point scale question: “Did you get interested in the UTokyo FFP?” About 70 percent chose 9 or 10 when asked the ten-point scale question on the degree of satisfaction with the mini-lecture program.

We are planning to hold this “Mini-lecture Program at the Library” regularly. Please check the website for the announcement of the next event.

Lastly, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the University of Tokyo Library System staff members for their cooperation.



*Please click the following link for the lecture videos: The 11th Mini-lecture Program by UTokyo Graduate Students | UTokyo TV (todai.tv)


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