} [Report] Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 2nd Real Session DAY 2 – UTokyo FD



[Report] Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 2nd Real Session DAY 2

The following is a brief summary of DAY 2 of the Real Session held on September 14th (Thu), 2023.

■Objectives for DAY 2

  • ●Experience active learning strategies and be able to use them.
  • ●Be able to describe a course that lets students learn actively in the form of a syllabus.
  • ●Be able to design an evaluation based on essential knowledge.
  • ●Be able to apply what you learned when conducting a lecture for microteaching sessions.


■DAY 2 Schedule



  • [Syllabus] (8:50–10:25)
  • Participants listened to a lecture on syllabuses and worked on an activity. They learned the tips on creating text syllabi and revised their own ones. They also created graphic syllabi and shared them in groups.
Participants sharing their graphic syllabi in groups


  • [Evaluation] (10:50–12:40)
  • Participants discussed various aspects of evaluation, using a worksheet. Also, they created rubrics in groups and presented them to each other in the format of Poster Tour.
Participants creating a rubric


  • [Active Learning] (13:30–14:50)
  • The lecturer gave a lecture on active learning. Participants experienced one of the active learning strategies, “Peer Instruction.”
Peer Instruction


  • [Revising Microteaching] (15:00–15:30)
  • Participants revised their lecture for microteaching sessions based on what they learned.


  • [Microteaching Session] (15:30–18:00)
  • Participants conducted refined lectures for the microteaching session. This time the lectures were given to the whole participants instead of groups.
  • STEP 1: A participant conducts a lecture as a lecturer. (6 min)
  • STEP 2: The lecturer-participant receives feedback from the instructors while the other participants fill in the feedback sheets.
  • STEP 3: The lecturer-participant shares their thoughts with the whole participants, and he/she receives the feedback sheets that other participants filled in.
A participant giving a lecture
Microteaching session


DAY 2 became another busy day where participants not just listened to lectures but also experienced active learning strategies and worked on various activities. It was designed to let them apply what they learned to the revision of their lectures and syllabuses.

  • Click here for the details of DAY 3.
  • (Click here for the details of DAY 1.)


Airi Kawakami (Project Academic Specialist in charge of “Interactive Teaching”)

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