} Publication “Interactive Teaching Jissen-Hen 3: Manabi o Unagasu Hyōka” – UTokyo FD



Publication “Interactive Teaching Jissen-Hen 3: Manabi o Unagasu Hyōka”

We are pleased to announce the publication of the book “Interactive teaching jissen-hen 3: Manabi o unagasu hyōka: rubric no sahō to jitsurei [Interactive Teaching practice 3: Evaluation that promotes active learning: rubrics’ design methods and cases]” (Kurita, K., & Nakamura, N. (Eds.), Kawai Publishing).

インタラクティブ・ティーチング 「学びの場」を変えたいすべての人へ 実践編3 学びを促す評価

This book focuses on rubric, which is an assessment tool suitable for reports, presentations, and so on. It explains the basics and characteristics of rubrics, the procedure for creating them, and how to utilize them to promote students’ learning more effectively, and provides a variety of examples.

Please click here to purchase the book on Amazon.

As with the online course, this book is useful not only for graduate students and university faculty, but also for elementary and secondary teachers.

We hope that you will take a look at this book.


■ Related links

What Is “Interactive Teaching”? | UTokyo FD

Interactive Teaching(インタラクティブ・ティーチング) | Coursera


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