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[Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 8] DAY 8 “A Safe and Secure Learning Environment”

DAY 8 “Envisioning Your Career Path: Structured Academic Portfolio (SAP) Chart
・Goals and Objectives
・Structured Academic Portfolio (SAP)
・The SAP Chart
・How to create a SAP chart


The UTokyo FFP finally reached DAY 8. This time, participants reflected on and organized their past activities, visualized their educational views and the significance of their research, and specified their courses of action and career paths through the creation of SAP charts.

Academic Portfolio (AP) is a tool to organize teaching, research, and service (i.e., administrative management of the institution and activities for social contribution), which are faculty duties, and evaluate the information regarding one’s achievements. Structured Academic Portfolio is a kind of portfolio whose description is structured and the procedure and points are clear. SAP is a document of 13–20 pages, and it requires a three-day workshop to create. SAP chart is a preparatory document for creating a SAP that visualizes the whole picture of SAP on an A3 sheet. This time, participants created SAP charts in three hours.

Participants identified the philosophy that underlies their activities by creating a SAP chart. Putting their philosophy into words and sharing it in pairs gave them a lot of insight. They found the core as a faculty member by thinking of the relationships between teaching, research, and service, and integrating them, and based on that, they examined their future objectives, courses of action, and career paths.
We received the following feedback from the participants: “I realized what underlies my sense of value,” “I feel impatient now because now I clearly know what I should do next,” and “I realized what I really would like to do.” They seemed to have gained a lot of insight from the activity of creating a SAP chart.

Facing your philosophy and sharing it with someone else is something that you cannot do unless you are in a safe and secure learning environment. The excellent course/class design of UTokyo FFP and a safe and secure learning environment created by the instructor and participants. Including DAY 8, I frequently encountered the moment when the interaction of these two elements led to wonderful learning. It made me think that I myself would like to create a safe and secure learning environment with my students, too. Come and join the UTokyo FFP for an authentic learning experience in a safe and secure learning environment.


[Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 7] DAY 7 “How to Observe Classes”

DAY 7 Microteaching Session (2)
・Goals and Objectives
・Mini-lectures and Feedback

DAY 7 was an overall summary of the whole program, where the participants conducted mini-lectures for the second time by making an improvement on the lectures they had conducted on DAY 6. Many participants were successful in reducing lecture materials to be conducted within a limited time of six minutes and focusing on what they really wanted the students to learn about. Every single mini-lecture underwent a remarkable improvement, which clearly showed the participants’ learning and development.

I gave feedback to the participants on their mini-lectures on DAY 6 and DAY 7. I would like to share with you what I realized through the activity.

1. The necessity of a perspective of “Does this activity fit the learning objective?” or “Is this learning objective appropriate?” instead of “If I were the instructor, I would…”

When I observed classes conducted by other instructors and trainees, I always thought in a way like, “If I were the teacher, I would incorporate an intriguing activity here,” or “Why doesn’t he/she pose comprehension check questions to make sure if the students retained the knowledge?” These are from the perspective of “If I were the instructor, I would…” However, this perspective is likely to make you focus only on “teaching techniques.”

As I mentioned in the Journal Vol 6, experts’ perspective focuses on the “structure of knowledge” instead of “teaching techniques.” Keeping the “structure of knowledge” in mind helps you focus on “learning objectives” by thinking in a way like, “Is each element necessary and sufficient for the learning objectives? (Are there any missing or redundant elements?)” or “Does the class structure help the students accomplish the learning objectives?”

“How should the instructor structure the class based on the learning objectives he/she set?” “First of all, is this learning objective really appropriate?” These questions help you give feedback on the class you observe from a metacognitive perspective.

2. Good learning objectives equal a well-structured class.

When designing a 6-min mini-lecture, it is further necessary to thoroughly examine the “learning objectives” compared to creating usual classes. You may regard the “learning objectives” as a trunk and “learning activities” as branches and leaves. We are likely to start with setting “learning activities” (e.g., “I want to talk about these things, so I need this activity,” or “I want to incorporate these kinds of activities.”) when designing a class, but this is like creating parts without a design for a class and aligning them without particular reasons, which is likely to end in an “unstructured class.”

The art of class design is to keep in mind “backward design”: thoroughly examine “what you want the students to learn about in your class,” then design a class that helps them learn the target topics, and finally, create necessary parts or specific learning activities. After creating learning activities, make sure that they perfectly align with the objectives again. That makes your class slimline.


I myself would like to design a simple and concise (i.e., slimline) class based on the stimuli and learning I got from this second microteaching session.


[Correction: Call for Applications] Project Researcher (UTokyo FFP)

This is an update to correct the information regarding the call for applications for a Project Researcher. The application deadline is January 11th, 2019. We look forward to your application.


Error: Ph.D. holder.

Correct: Ph.D. holder or equivalent.


We look forward to the applications from those who are eager to plan various projects and improve education by considering the post as their opportunity to “learn how to teach” by getting involved in the administration of the UTokyo FFP.

Click here for the application guideline.


[Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 6] DAY 6 “Structuralization of Knowledge”

DAY 6 Microteaching Session (1)
・Goals and Objectives
・Mini-lectures, Feedback, and Discussion

On DAY 6, participants finally conducted their 6-min mini-lectures, which were followed by feedback and discussion to refine the lectures.

A little more than 20 participants were divided into four groups of 5–6. There was an instructor per group, who facilitated the approximately 25-min sessions with a cycle of “Mini-lecture (6 min),” “Feedback from the instructor to the lecturer (3 min),” and “Group discussion on how to improve the lecture (13 min).”

Structuring a 6-min mini-lecture that makes students satisfied with their learning while incorporating an introductory section, main section, and concluding section, is so difficult that you can easily surpass the time limit should you slightly wander from the subject or take a little extra time to explain a topic. Polishing the design for a short-time class lets the lecturer face up to the question, “What are the essential things that I really want the students to learn?”

According to the instructor of the program, the art of advising the trainees in microteaching is “to try to think about ‘first-of-all’ issues instead of techniques.” Students need to restructure the knowledge they received from the teacher to really feel that they learned something in the class. Are there any structures missing when students try to restructure knowledge? First of all, is the knowledge structured correctly so that they can easily restructure it? I realized that it is important to focus on the “structure of knowledge” before “teaching techniques” with these questions to become an expert in conducting classes.
“First of all, did I examine whether the structure of knowledge of this class is appropriate for learning to occur?” I would like to ask myself this question every time I work on class design.


Videos Now Available: The 9th Mini-lecture Program at the Library

The videos of the 9th Mini-lecture Program at the Library held in the last academic year are now available online.



Mini-lecture Program at the Library is an event where the UTokyo FFP alumni give mini-lectures and practice their teaching skills in an interactive teaching manner.
We have held the event 11 times so far in different styles. The next will be the 12th.
The schedule for the next event will be announced as soon as we are ready. Stay tuned for the next Mini-lecture Program at the Library and UTokyo FFP!


[Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 5] DAY 5 “Learning Occurs without Being Taught”

DAY 5 Summary & Exercise in Giving Feedback on Lectures
・Review of the Previous Session
・Goals and Objectives
・Exercise in Giving Feedback on Lectures
・Review of the Program So Far (Poster Tour)

Participants started by creating questions to review what they had learned in the previous session (about evaluation) and asked and answered them in pairs. This reviewing activity has become increasingly complicated week by week; a simple activity of explaining the keywords of the previous session in pairs (DAY 3), discussing the usefulness and limitations of the topics that appeared in the previous session (DAY 4), and creating questions (DAY 5).
As a course develops, students not only acquire knowledge but also become proficient in their learning. It made me realize that designing activities that align with the learners’ development can help them deepen their learning.

In the first half of the session, two participants conducted 6-min lectures respectively, followed by individual/group feedback and activity of overviewing the points of the lectures from a meta-cognitive perspective. In the second half, participants reviewed what they had learned so far (i.e., motivation, active learning strategies, class design, syllabus, evaluation, exercise in giving feedback on lectures, and the whole FFP) by conducting a poster tour.

In FFP, the instructor gradually lets the participants take the initiative in the class weekly. In today’s session, the instructor did not explain the material aggressively but instead let the participants engage in group discussions and realize something on their own, answered their questions when they shared their ideas with the whole class, and abstracted/generalized their insights to make them easier to understand, which helped them deepen their learning. According to the instructor, she deliberately “left the learning to the participants.”
I have always assumed that “To explain something skillfully equals to teach something,” but it seems to be “the skill in generalizing what the learners realized” that is the essential art of teaching/instructing. The session made me realize that the students’ learning process surely occurs without teaching them if you can generalize their ideas.


[Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 4] DAY 4 “Do You Really Need to Evaluate That?”

DAY 4 Evaluation
・Review of the Previous Session
・Goals and Objectives

・Significance of Evaluation
・Basics of Evaluation (Summative Evaluation and Formative Evaluation)
・Rubrics (Exercises in Creating a Rubric)

In general, evaluation is considered to be the “final judgment” that decides whether to pass or fail a learner from the students’ point of view and troublesome paperwork from the instructors’ point of view. The session started with the instructor’s words that asked the participants to change such views on the evaluation and instead consider it as an “escort runner” or a “compass” for students and a “tool to support teaching activities” to check the comprehension of students and improve classes for instructors.

Evaluation is divided into summative evaluation and formative evaluation. The former is for grades at the end of the learning process like term-end examinations, whereas the latter is for supporting learners during the learning process. Formative evaluation can be replaced by feedback, a more familiar term. If you only use summative evaluation, evaluation becomes the goal, and what matters for students will be a single examination, which makes them forget what they learned once the exam is over. Formative evaluation is necessary to avoid such a situation and let the students keep learning by making the evaluation a starting point.

In the latter half of the session, participants created rubrics, a tool for formative evaluation, in groups. I heard many groups discussing, “Do we really need to evaluate from this perspective when posing this task?” “It is becoming too superficial. It seems to be unable to evaluate what we really want to.” I felt that the participants truly grasped the role of rubrics as a tool for class reform by making them ask themselves, “What kind of learning do I want to enhance? Is this evaluation appropriate for that purpose?”

Whether it is a rubric or an examination, reexamining the evaluation from the perspective of “enhancing learning” leads you to face the question, “Do you really need to evaluate that?” No evaluations or classes can be said “absolutely correct” or “perfect,” and that’s why you need to keep working on improvement, an endless process. Class reform is, as the instructor said, like “building Sagrada Família.”


[Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 3] DAY 3 “Adopting Backward Design in Course Design to Make the Course Easy to Learn”

DAY 3 Syllabus: Syllabus Design and Course Design that Contribute to Learning
・Review of the Previous Session
・Goals and Objectives
・What Is a Syllabus?
・Exercise in Setting Goals and Objectives of a Syllabus
・Course Design (Exercise in Creating a Graphic Syllabus)
・Exercise in Improving a Syllabus into One that Enhances Learning

This time, the class was about syllabus design and course design that contribute to learning.

In the beginning, participants reviewed what they had learned in the previous class in pairs. They explained the seven keywords that had appeared in the previous class in a way that could be understood by novice learners (i.e., those who didn’t take this course) to their partners in turn. I found it effective both for warm-up exercises for the participants and in making them organize their knowledge, so I would like to adopt this activity in my own class next time.

Syllabuses are not only a means for students to choose which courses they would like to take but also something that could enhance their learning, and are an effective tool for the instructors to design their courses; in FFP, we call every session a “class,” and a series of classes a “course.”

Participants first set goals and objectives, then determined how to check whether the objectives are accomplished (i.e., the evaluation methods), and moved on to the content and strategies for the class. Many of the classes that do not contribute to learning seem to decide on the content and strategies before setting goals, objectives, and evaluation methods. In contrast, “Backward Design” refers to setting goals and objectives thoroughly first and then examining how and what students should learn to achieve them.
One of the participants who seemed to have fun in course design activities said, “So what you should do is to design a course that you wanted to take yourself in the past.” I think the words capture the heart of Backward Design.

The art of the course design is said to recognize the points (i.e. expert blind spot) where the instructors (or experts) are capable of doing something unconsciously and so they are likely to consider, “Why can’t students do this?”, to “scaffold” for the students so that they could learn easily, and to gradually remove the scaffolds during the course to let them become independent learners. It was impressive to know that the instructor did remove the scaffold for the participants and let them learn by themselves by allocating more than half of the class time for their activities in this third session of the program.


[Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 2] DAY 2 “Specific Goals and Objectives Enhance Motivation”

DAY 2 Class Design
・Goals and Objectives
・Motivation (Flipped Classroom)
・Class Design
・Active Learning
・Exercise in Class Design

This time, the class was about the relationship between goals/objectives and motivation and class design that deepens learning while maintaining motivation.

We received the following feedback on the previous session from one of the participants: “The goals and objectives were specific, which made me prepared for the program as a learner.” Indicating “Why do I have to learn this?” and “What will I be able to do?” inspires and maintains learners’ motivation. What is interesting about FFP is that you will be able to observe your own learning experiences from a meta-cognitive perspective by taking the course as if you are shown magic and explained the trick at the same time.

The session was conducted in a flipped-classroom style, where participants watched lecture videos on motivation (and related basic theories) as a pre-assignment and deepened their understanding of knowledge by using it in a group discussion on how to advise a professor who has problems with his/her classes. Also, in terms of active learning strategies, they learned the effects of peer instruction by actually experiencing it.
The active learning strategies that the participants experienced in this class were limited to flipped classroom and peer instruction, and the others were just explained in a lecture, but according to the instructor, the course is designed so that they can experience all the typical strategies at least once for each throughout the course.