} 学外 – Page 9 – UTokyo FD

“Good Practices” (Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site: Part 2)

Today we would like to introduce the page “Good Practices” from the website “Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site” to you.





This page (https://utelecon.github.io/good-practice/ )(*in Japanese) is for sharing the good practices of online classes conducted at the University of Tokyo. It offers interviews with the instructors who received a lot of positive feedback from students in the comment section regarding “Classes that used good strategies” in the online course evaluation questionnaire at the University of Tokyo. This time, the target is limited to undergraduate courses.

We completed interviews with 14 instructors as of the end of September 2020 and have been working on publishing articles on various strategies used for synchronous and on-demand online classes. You can narrow down the articles by the number of students and what kind of tools were used.


Interviews with nine instructors are published at this point. We are sure that these articles will be helpful to you even if their fields are different from yours. Please take a look at them!

Event Information

Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site: Part 1

“Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site @ the University of Tokyo | utelecon” is a one-stop website to help students and faculty/staff members at the University of Tokyo collect information on online classes and web conferences. https://utelecon.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en


The website outlines ITC-LMS (learning management system) and web conference systems such as Zoom, provides instructions to use these tools, and shares information on events. It also helps you in creating an account to use these services.

“Application/Report Form” with a description of a support desk and the class supporter system for people affiliated with the University of Tokyo is available, too.

A recent update of the website is the “Good Practices” page which shares information on good practices in online classes. Lunchtime information exchange meetings that were held in the S Semester are ongoing in the A Semester, too. The videos and materials of the meetings are available online.

The website is strongly recommended to the students and faculty/staff members at the University of Tokyo, but there are also a lot of pages for people outside the University. We hope they will be informative for you to know how a university is trying to adjust its education to the world under a coronavirus pandemic.

We would like to introduce the contents of this “Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site” in a coming series of posts.

(Please note that the website was created in a short time with some unfinished pages and is subject to frequent updates and changes due to the fluid situation of the pandemic. The website was launched by the Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo and the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education. We would appreciate further cooperation of people/institutions affiliated with the University to improve and refine the contents.)


UTokyo FFP Materials Now Available on OCW!

Learning materials and videos of “The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)” (Teaching Development in Higher Education) are now available on UTokyo OCW*.
These materials are recommended to anyone who would like to learn about “how to teach” and who is interested in our program (e.g., faculty, graduate students, educators, etc.). Please stay tuned for further materials and videos to be updated.

Please click the link below.



[The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)]

UTokyo FFP is a half-yearly program to enhance the teaching skills of graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members affiliated with the University of Tokyo. It is a program to learn practical skills to deliver classes that enable students to learn actively, and participants can receive an official certificate on completion of the program. The program commenced in AY2013; the program published on OCW was conducted online.

*UTokyo OCW

UTokyo OpenCourseWare (UTokyo OCW) provides lecture materials and videos used in the regular courses of the University of Tokyo freely available for anyone. It is one of the “Opening of the Gates of Knowledge” programs at the University.

UTokyo OCW has provided lecture materials and videos used in the regular courses, compiled in line with the University of Tokyo education programs, to anyone even outside the University free of charge. The materials published on the website are nearly identical to those provided in the actual courses.
The University of Tokyo licenses these materials from their respective copyright holders properly. Please read the copyright information of each material carefully and make sure to observe its terms of use when using any material.

Event Information

Training Program for Pre-FD Instructors

Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo is delighted to announce that the application is open for the following program related to UTokyo FFP (The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program). We look forward to your application.


Training Program for Pre-FD* Instructors

*FD: Faculty Development


[Goals] To be able to plan and conduct pre-FD programs based on the framework of UTokyo FFP, or to acquire knowledge and skills in planning and conducting programs affiliated with UTokyo FFP.

[Schedule] Eight classes in total (Please refer to the following for a detailed schedule.)

[Delivery] Live online via Zoom

[Target Participants] Faculty at centers outside the University of Tokyo (those who are in charge of pre-FD programs or planning to affiliate with UTokyo FFP); Senior high school teachers (Those who aim to plan practical teacher training programs to realize a new type of learning based on the new Curriculum Guidelines)

[Instructors] Kayoko Kurita and Lui Yoshida (Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo)

[Capacity] About four people (including one senior high school teacher)

[Fee] Free of charge

[Certificate] None

[Application Period] Starts on September 9th, 2020.

[Application Form] Please apply from the form below.


[Application Deadline] Sunday, September 27th, 2020, 11:59 PM


・Selection will be made based on the information filled in the form on the motive for application and concreteness of the plan.

・Applicants will be notified of the results individually by September 29th, 11:59 PM.


・Those who can attend all the sessions (eight in total). (Please refer to the following for a detailed schedule.)

[Outline] Participation in the eight sessions of UTokyo FFP as described below (01:00–04:40 PM, 220 minutes including a break per session) as observers and in the following workshops (for about two hours) will provide the participants with learning opportunities as mentors of pre-FD and FD programs.

[Program Overview]

<UTokyo FFP Curriculum>

For more details, please refer to the webpage (https://dev2.utokyofd.com/en/ffp/about/) and the syllabus shown on the same page.

The sessions (DAY 1–DAY 8) will be the same on Thursday and Friday in principle. Period: 01:00–04:40 PM (including a break)

DAY 1 (Oct. 1 or Oct. 2) Present situation of higher education, exercise on research presentations, and overview of UTokyo FFP

DAY 2 (Oct. 8 or Oct. 9) Class design principles, motivation, and active learning strategies

DAY 3 (Oct. 22 or Oct. 23) Evaluation and exercise in creating rubrics

DAY 4 (Nov. 5 or Nov. 6) Course design and exercise in improving a text syllabus and creating a graphic syllabus

DAY 5 (Nov. 19 or Nov. 20) Exercise in giving feedback on lectures for microteaching (the practice of peer evaluation) and review of learning materials so far (exercise in conducting a poster tour)

DAY 6 (Dec. 3 or Dec. 4) Microteaching session (1) (examination of the lectures for further refinement in small groups)

DAY 7 (Dec. 17 or Dec. 18) Microteaching session (2) (conducting the lectures refined through Microteaching session (1))

DAY 8 (Jan. 8 or Jan. 14) Creating a Structured Academic Portfolio (SAP) chart (Envisioning one’s career path)


Two-hour workshops will be held on Friday after UTokyo FFP sessions (Oct. 2, Oct. 9, Oct. 23, Nov. 6, Nov. 20, Dec. 4, Dec. 18, and Jan. 14).

Participants will be working on discussions on class design, microteaching sessions, and the administrative system of each UTokyo FFP session from the perspective of instructors and will examine their plans for the programs to be conducted at their own universities.


If you have any questions, please contact us via the Inquiry Form.

Event Information

[16th UTokyo FFP] Let’s Learn to Teach at University! Application Now Open for “Teaching Development in Higher Education”

*The 16th UTokyo FFP (Thu/Fri) will be conducted live online, adhering to the COVID-19 safety protocols.

For anyone (e.g., graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members) who would like to enhance their teaching skills!
“The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP): Teaching Development in Higher Education”
Application now open!

Faculty members are required to have skills not only in research but also in teaching.
UTokyo FFP will provide a practical learning environment to enhance your teaching skills.

★ You can systematically learn “how to teach”!
★ You can build a network across diverse fields!
★ On completion of the program, you receive an official certificate that you can attach to your resume!
★ Graduate students can also receive academic credits!

Graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members at the University of Tokyo

[Time and Location]
A Semester <A1/A2 Term> AY2020
・Thursday class (capacity: 25 participants): Periods 3–4
・Friday class (capacity: 25 participants): Periods 3–4
The classes will be conducted live online.
Total: 8 days for each course
(Note that the classes are held every other week, in principle.)

[Details and How to Apply]
Please click the link below.

How to Apply for UTokyo FFP

(If the number of applicants exceeds the prescribed limit, selection will be based on the application form information.)

[Application Deadline]
Sunday, September 27th, 2020, at 11:59 PM

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We look forward to your application!

– – – – – – – – –
Kayoko Kurita
Associate Professor / Vice Director
Center for Research and Development of Higher Education

Event Information

[15th UTokyo FFP] Certificate Award Ceremony Conducted

The 15th Certificate Award Ceremony of “The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)” was held on Zoom on Wednesday, August 5th, 2020.
Fifty-seven participants completed the 15th program, and each of them received a certificate. They had a congratulatory address from Prof. Takumi Moriyama, Director of the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo.
Alumni also appeared as guest speakers and explained their various activities after completion of the program and their alumni network.

UTokyo FFP has produced a total of 714 people who completed the program coming from every graduate school at The University of Tokyo.
The next program (the 16th UTokyo FFP) is scheduled to start in October 2020. Please click the link below for the application.

→ https://dev2.utokyofd.com/en/ffp/apply/



[15th UTokyo FFP] Live Coverage of the Online Classes (DAY 4)

The 15th UTokyo FFP finished the first half of the program.

DAY 4 is titled “Syllabus and Course Design that Contribute to Learning.”

The previous sessions were mainly about a class, but the focus was shifted to a course this time. (For example, “a class” refers to a 105-min class in UTokyo, and “a course” refers to the entire classes conducted in the S1 Term.)

The class started by reviewing the previous session.

Participants worked in pairs in the Zoom breakout rooms to review “evaluation,” the main topic of DAY 3. Before forming pairs, they first individually worked on developing “a good question that would enable reviewing the topic within 10 minutes.” Then, they asked the question to their partner in pairs with each other. My partner asked me “a question for review” that included several keywords such as “summative evaluation” and “formative evaluation.” Regarding the reviewing methods, Dr. Kurita said, “There are varying degrees of difficulty in reviewing. It is effective to let the learners review the previous topics in accordance with their motivation by gradually raising the difficulty level.”

The session moved on to “Syllabus.”

Dr. Kurita explained that regarding syllabuses, it is necessary to set a goal that states what the course exists for and objectives that specify the goal, to write sentences with students as the subject, and to write one objective per sentence. Participants then refined the existing syllabuses by sharing the screen on Zoom with their group members. Some participants said, “It was hard to make improvements on preset syllabuses.” In contrast, others said, “I think I was able to learn a lot about what a syllabus should be through the activity of refining existing syllabuses as if they had been my own,” “The activity gave me a hint on what I should consider when creating a syllabus, which I had done vaguely before.” and “The picture of classes I can or want to deliver became clear. I felt that creating a syllabus is highly effective in organizing my ideas and field and selecting materials (or items).”

What came next was the creation of the “Graphic Syllabus,” the highlight of DAY 4.

When the classes were conducted face-to-face, the group activity used sticky notes, but now they were replaced by online tools. The participants shared Google Slides on the screen and had an active discussion there. Most participants seemed to realize the effectiveness of graphic syllabuses as described in the following reactions: “I enjoyed creating a graphic syllabus because the discussion in the breakout room made me identify unclear points,” “Creating a graphic syllabus makes it for me easier to grasp the flow and structure of a class. I found out that it is very useful when writing a text syllabus.” and “It was interesting to know that creating a graphic syllabus visualized the flow and improvement points, which I couldn’t identify when writing a text syllabus.”

Here are words from a participant who finished taking DAY 4: “I found it interesting, profound, and difficult to create a syllabus. There are so many things that I can make use of in my own classes that I thought once again that I was glad I took this course. What impressed me in today’s class was the group activities. We refined syllabuses and examined their visualization twice constructively in a peaceful atmosphere. I think one of the charms of FFP is that you can realize how the interaction among students has a great impact by putting yourself in the students’ perspective.”

The 15th FFP will move on to the latter half of the program.

Shigekazu Kawasaki
Division for Quality Enhancement of Higher Education
Center for Research and Development of Higher Education



[15th UTokyo FFP] Live Coverage of the Online Classes (DAY 1–3)


The UTokyo FFP started its 15th semester live online via Zoom, adhering to the COVID-19 safety protocols.

DAY 1 “Introduction” (April 16th–) involved icebreaker activities (e.g., letting the participants get to know each other and introduce another participant to the others) and a 1-min research presentation. An assignment was given to film and upload one’s research presentation, and participants peer-reviewed them.

DAY 2 “Class Design” (Motivation, Class Design, and Active Learning) was a session to learn about how to motivate students, the significance of class design, the ADDIE model, and active learning strategies. Within a limited time frame, participants were able to learn about various topics in effective ways. In terms of learning about motivation, participants discussed in groups in Zoom breakout rooms and organized their ideas on digital sticky notes by sharing a Google slide on their screens, which showed the distinctive quality of online classes.

In DAY 3 “Evaluation” participants shared their ideas through frequent use of Google Forms. (Letting everyone fill out the form and share their replies immediately are the advantage of online classes.)  Also, a gallery walk was conducted online when the participants practiced creating rubrics. The session actively integrated new tools into its class design to make optimal use of online settings.

As described above, the 15th UTokyo FFP started with mixed feelings of expectations and concerns, struggling to realize online what the programs have conducted in face-to-face classes. However, many participants gave us positive feedback on the online classes as follows: “It was my first time taking online classes, but I was surprised that the session proceeded just as smoothly as face-to-face classes,” “I enjoy taking online classes because I can learn through the interaction with other participants in breakout rooms,” and “The program so skillfully uses different apps such as Zoom, Sli.do, and Google Classroom, depending on their properties, that there were no differences with offline classes.”

Online courses may become more popular in the future. Some participants expressed their high expectations of our program, saying, “I first thought that it was unfortunate to take this course online, but considering the increasing significance of online courses from now on, it is a good opportunity to learn about online classes from the professionals who are the researchers of the latest trend of interactive teaching.”

The 15th UTokyo FFP has just finished DAY 3, and there are still more than half of the program left, but we will make further efforts to deliver and refine UTokyo FFP-like online classes to reach the goal (DAY 8).

Shigekazu Kawasaki
Division for Quality Enhancement of Higher Education
Center for Research and Development of Higher Education

Event Information

[15th UTokyo FFP] Let’s Learn to Teach at University! Application Now Open for “Teaching Development in Higher Education”

*The 15th UTokyo FFP (Thu/Fri classes) will be conducted online, adhering to the COVID-19 safety protocols.

For anyone (e.g., graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members) who would like to enhance their teaching skills!
“The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP): Teaching Development in Higher Education”
Application now open!
Faculty members are required to have skills not only in research but also in teaching.
UTokyo FFP will provide you with a practical learning environment to enhance your teaching skills.

★ You can systematically learn “how to teach”!
★ You can build a network across diverse fields!
★ On completion of the program, you receive an official certificate that you can attach to your resume!
★ Graduate students can also receive academic credits!

Graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members at the University of Tokyo

[Time and Location]
S Semester <S1/S2 Term> AY2020
・Thursday class (capacity: 25 participants): Periods 4–5
・Friday class (capacity: 25 participants): Periods 3–4
The classes will be conducted live online.
Total: 8 days for each course
(Note that the classes are held every other week, in principle.)

[Details and How to Apply]
Please click the link below.
(If the number of applicants exceeds the prescribed limit, selection will be made based on the information in the application form.)

[Application Deadline]
Sunday, April 12th, 2020, at 11:59 PM

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We look forward to your application!

– – – – – – – – –
Kayoko Kurita
Associate Professor / Vice Director
Center for Research and Development of Higher Education