} ポスドク – Page 6 – UTokyo FD
Event Information

[18th UTokyo FFP] Certificate Award Ceremony Conducted

The 18th Certificate Award Ceremony of “The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)” was held on Zoom on Friday, February 18th, 2022.
Thirty-nine participants completed the 18th program, and each of them received a certificate. They had a congratulatory address from Prof. Yasushi Asami, Director of the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo. Alumni also appeared as guest speakers and explained their various activities after completing the program and their alumni network.

UTokyo FFP has produced a total of 849 people who completed the program coming from every graduate school at The University of Tokyo.

The next program (the 19th UTokyo FFP) is scheduled to start in April 2022. Please click the link below for the application.



1: Think-Pair-Share


1. Definition

“Think individually (THINK), then pair up (PAIR), and discuss and share ideas (SHARE).”

Think-Pair-Share is an active learning strategy conducted through the discussion procedure as described above.
It was first proposed by Frank Lyman at the University of Maryland in 1981.

2. Implementation

❶ Ask a question to your students.
❷ Give them one or two minutes to individually think about the question.
❸ Pair up the students.
❹ Let the students exchange and share their ideas in pairs.
(This step can be substituted by activities among multiple pairs at once or activities among groups of three or more.)
❺ Let each pair share their ideas with the whole class. (One person per pair/group shall be the speaker.)
❻ It takes 5–15 minutes in total. (It depends on the number of participants.)

(The image of students working in pairs)

3. Features and Tips

・It can also be used in large classes.
・It works as a practice in communicating with others.
・It can be used for various activities including warm-ups.
・It may end up chatting depending on the question or group size.
→It is necessary to set specific questions, give instructions with clarity, and be considerate of your students’ level. Avoid posing simple questions that depend on whether the students have certain knowledge or not, such as questions that ask about a specific year or name!

4. Examples

Click the following link. → An example of “Think-Pair-Share”

5. References and Other Materials

Click the following link. →  Video clips related to Think-Pair-Share




2: Jigsaw Method

Jigsaw Method

1. Definition  

The Jigsaw Method is a technique to support collaborative learning*.              *A method to support group activities
Participants can grasp the whole picture of the learning material and deepen their understanding from multiple angles by combining each component like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. It is crucial that the instructor prepare adequate problems.
The method was proposed by American social psychologist Elliot Aronson, Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in the 1970s.

2. Implementation (Example)

(1) Divide a long English passage into three parts: A, B, and C.
(Preparation and division of learning materials)
(2) Divide students into three groups (“expert groups“) and assign each group with different materials (A, B, and C). Let the members of each group cooperate with each other to translate the assigned segment of the English passage into Japanese.
(Distribution of materials and group activities)
(3) Form new groups, each comprising members from different groups (A, B, and C). It means that each new group consists of students who translated either A, B, or C.
(Reorganization of groups)
(4) Let the new groups (“jigsaw groups“) work by having each member explain the segment he/she translated. The groups will then organize the translation of the whole passage.
(Jigsaw group activities)
(5) Let each jigsaw group make presentations on their translation.
(6) It takes about 60 minutes in total. (It depends on the total number of participants and groups.)

(The image of group activity)

3. Features and Tips

・It enables the individual learners to become responsible.
・It helps participants to practice communicating with each other.
・It helps participants to develop their tolerance of the differences in ideas.
・It is necessary to set problems that deepen learning.
・Be careful of time allocation because the procedure includes the reorganization of groups.
・Be careful to divide groups equally.

4. Examples

Click the following link. → An example of the Jigsaw Method

5. References and Other Materials

Click the following link. → Video clips related to the Jigsaw Method


UTokyo Global FFDP: Course Information and Application

  • UTokyo Global FFDP (in English)

  • Starts on April 19th, 2022. Program delivered in English

  • Apply here (until April 11th, 23:59)
  • ・Observers from other institutions are welcome
  • Orientation session was held on April 8th, 15:30-17:00 The video recording is here


Interested? Check out our video here!

What is UTokyo Global Future Faculty Development Program (UTokyo Global FFDP)?

Universities all over the world have been urged to play an increasing role not only as research institutions, but also as key societal pillars for human and educational development in an increasingly globalized world.  

University professors are required to be excellent educators as well as researchers; when hiring, universities grant significant importance not only to research achievements and previous experience, but also to the applicants’ actual teaching competences, asking them to submit examples of syllabi and to conduct mock lessons.

UTokyo Global FFDP has been designed with an international perspective to support graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers, and faculty members in acquiring educational competences to fulfill the teaching role at universities in Japan and overseas. Let’s practice and learn to “teach at university level” while interacting with colleagues from diverse backgrounds!

  • Are you a UTokyo*…                
  • Graduate student
  • Researcher or postdoctoral fellow
  • Faculty member
  • * Observers from other institutions are welcomed
  • Are you interested in…
  • ・Working as a professor at universities in Japan and overseas?
  • ・Enhancing your teaching skills?
  • ・Obtaining a certificate for your CV and gaining credits?
Got interested? Check out our video here!

With UTokyo Global FFDP, you will

  •               ・Obtain a certificate to use when applying for a position.
  •               ・Gain 2 credits if you are a graduate student.
  •               ・Gain access to a network with information on research and recruitments.
  •               ・Create bonds with colleagues from different countries and disciplines.

  • Instructor and Staff
    • Dr. Gabriel Hervas (Project Associate Professor)

      Airi Kawakami (Project Academic Specialist)

  • Eligibility of Participants
  • Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers, and faculty members of the University of Tokyo
  • Schedule
  • 2022 S semester <S1+S2 term>
  • Tuesday (max. 20 students), 3rd and 4th period (13:00-16:40)
  • 8 sessions (+ Day 0 for briefing), every other week in principle

  • Application

    • Apply from the form below (until April 11th, 23:59)

    •                 ・Observers from other institution are welcome!
    • Online Information Session
      •  ・Orientation session was held on April 8th, 15:30-17:00
        • The video recording is here!


  • Further Information
  • Want to know receive further information about the program and other initiatives? If so, please fill in this!

Course Contents

  • Structure
  • Day 0. Briefing
  • Day 1. The science of learning
  • Day 2. Teaching and learning methods, strategies, and techniques
  • Day 3. Assessment, feedback, and rubrics
  • Day 4. Course and syllabus design
  • Day 5. Class design
  • Day 6. Class design & instruction I
  • Day 7. Class design & instruction II
  • Day 8. Deconstructing knowledge and career paths


  • Class Format
  • Day 0~4:Online
  • Day 5~8:In-person
  • ・DAY 5 and Day 8: room 357, 3rd floor of the Graduate School of Education
  • ・DAY 6 and DAY 7: the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, 3rd floor of the Administration Bureau Bldg. 2 (The room will be announced to the participants.)



UTokyo OCW: 第0回 Symposium on Future Faculty Development/UTokyo Global FFDP

UTokyo OCW | Symposium on Future Faculty Development/UTokyo Global FFDP


[19th UTokyo FFP] Course Information & Application

*UTokyo FFP is conducted in Japanese. For an English course (UTokyo Global FFDP), please click here.

Classes start on April 14th, 2022.

Apply from here (Due: Monday, April 11th, 09:00 AM)

・Observers from other institutions are welcome.
・A briefing session on UTokyo FFP on Friday, April 8th, 17:00-18:30


What Is “The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program” (UTokyo FFP)?

“The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program” (UTokyo FFP) commenced in AY2013 for acquiring skills and knowledge related to teaching at the university. It is aimed at graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members affiliated with the University of Tokyo who aim to become faculty members.

The quality enhancement of education at universities is a crucial issue. In recent years, there has been a shift toward student-centric education and active learning class styles. These classroom approaches require educators, besides being knowledgeable experts, to act as facilitators able to spur learning; this makes it necessary for educators to acquire these skills. UTokyo FFP helps acquire such knowledge and skills in a systematic and effective way.

UTokyo FFP is a half-yearly program, also offered as a Common Graduate Course titled “Teaching Development in Higher Education.” Participants can enhance their practical teaching skills by learning about active learning in an interactive way with other learners across diverse research fields.


The features of UTokyo FFP are as follows:

Of those who completed the course so far, 98% responded that their participation in UTokyo FFP was fulfilling (“very fulfilling” or “fulfilling”). Thirty percent of the applicants found out about the program through “an introduction by the alumni.”

・Interactions across diverse fields
The participants come from diverse academic fields. Interaction with graduate students and faculty/staff members from unfamiliar fields would certainly inspire you to reflect on your own education and research.

・Issue of an official certificate
On completion of the program, participants receive an official UTokyo FFP transcript signed by the director of the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education. You can attach the transcript to an application document to display your teaching experience when you apply for academic posts.

・Academic credits (two credits) of “Teaching Development in Higher Education” on completion of the course
UTokyo FFP is also offered as a Common Graduate Course titled “Teaching Development in Higher Education.” Since it is a regular course of the university, participants can receive academic credits (two credits) within the allowances stipulated by the program of each graduate school they belong to.

・An alumni network
After completing the course, participants can join an alumni network (a Google Group), to exchange information on voluntary workshops, events, and job opportunities (part-time lecturer, etc.).

*The classes of UTokyo FFP were filmed and published at UTokyo OpenCourseWare (UTokyo OCW). Click here to watch the videos.

Advantages of taking UTokyo FFP

◯ An official certificate will be issued which you can attach to an application document for academic posts.
◯ Graduate students can earn academic credits (two credits).
◯ You can access a network regarding research/employment information.
◯ You can interact with participants coming from diverse academic fields.

Course Information

  • Instructor and staff
    Kayoko Kurita (Professor), Wonhwa Park (Assistant Professor), Osami Nabeta (Research Support Staff)
  • Qualifications
    Graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members at the University of Tokyo
    Those who are affiliated with other universities can join the program as observers.
  • Schedule
    S Semester <S1/S2 Term> AY2022
    Thursday course: Periods 3–4 (13:00–16:40)
    Friday course: Periods 3–4 (13:00–16:40)
    Total: 8 days for each course
    (Note that the classes are held every other week, in principle.)
    *Please refer to the syllabus for the detailed schedule.
    (Please make sure to read the syllabus before application.)
  • Capacity
    25 participants for each class
    (If the number of applicants exceeds the prescribed limit, selection will be made.)
  • Location
    Thursday course: live/online
    Friday course: live/online
    *The 19th UTokyo FFP will be conducted online, adhering to the COVID-19 safety protocols.


  • DAY 1 Introduction
    Icebreaking by sharing what inspired each participant to take the course, the present situation of higher education, research presentations (1-min self-introduction), and self-analysis and peer-reviewing of research presentations.
  • DAY 2 Class Design
    Significance of class design, goals and objectives of a class, ADDIE model, active learning, motivation, and creating a class design sheet.
  • DAY 3 Evaluation
    Significance of evaluation, evaluation methods, evaluation of evaluation, creating a rubric, and exercises in evaluating with rubrics.
  • DAY 4 Syllabus and Course Design
    Significance of a syllabus, setting goals and objectives, course design, and creating a graphic syllabus.
  • DAY 5 Exercise in Giving Feedback on Lectures & Summary
    Exercise in giving feedback on lectures for microteaching, and a poster tour to share what the participants have learned.
  • DAY 6 Refining the Lectures for Microteaching
    Microteaching session (1) and examination of the lectures for further refinement.
  • DAY 7 Microteaching Session
    Microteaching session (2) and examination of the lectures.
  • DAY 8 Envisioning Your Career Path by Creating a SAP Chart
    Creating a Structured Academic Portfolio (SAP) chart.

How to Take the Course

・UTokyo FFP is open to those affiliated with the University of Tokyo as regular graduate students, postdocs, or faculty/staff members. There are no requirements to enroll in this course, but please note that you cannot complete the course in case you are absent for more than two out of eight days.
・Please carefully read the program overview and the syllabus and follow the application steps. We also offer an observer (auditor) category for those outside the University. If you wish to join the program as an observer, please read the description below for more details.

<Application Schedule>
・The application schedule is as follows:
1. Join a briefing session on UTokyo FFP (as necessary).
2. Complete the application form.
3. Selections will be made based on the information in the application form.
4. The successful applicants will be notified of the results.
5. UTokyo FFP starts.

・A Briefing Session on UTokyo FFP
We conduct a briefing session on UTokyo FFP preceding every application period. Those who would like to know more about the program are recommended to participate in this session. Participation in the briefing session does not affect selection.

・Application Form
Applications to UTokyo FFP are invited twice a year, in March and September. Please fill in the application form if you would like to participate in the program. Selections will be made based on the information filled in the form, and you will be notified of the results before the program begins.


The application form will be unavailable after the closure of the application period. If you wish to receive notifications on the following official application period of UTokyo FFP, please sign up for pre-application. Pre-application does not affect selection.

・Observer System
Although UTokyo FFP is provided to affiliates of the University of Tokyo, we accept a few participants from other institutes as observers. Participants in this category must attend all classes and reply to the questionnaire at the end. If you wish to join the program as an observer, please fill in the application form and input “Application for the status of an observer” in the “Message” section provided at the bottom of the form.

Classes start on April 14th, 2022.

Apply from here (Due: Monday, April 11th, 09:00 AM)

・Observers from other institutions are welcome.
・A briefing session on UTokyo FFP on Friday, April 8th, 17:00-18:30

If you would like to know more about the program and other related events, please contact us using the inquiry form.


Related Information

UTokyo OCW: UTokyo Future Faculty Program


[18th UTokyo FFP] Completion of the Semester

Starting on Thursday, October 7th, 2021, the 18th UTokyo FFP completed its schedule on Friday, January 13th, 2022.

Following the previous post on the first half of the program (DAY 1–4), we would like to show you what the classes were like in the remaining sessions (DAY 5-8).

DAY 5 Exercise in Giving Feedback on Lectures & Summary
・To be able to explain the significance of giving a lecture for microteaching in your own words.
・To be able to find the viewpoints for designing “a good lecture for microteaching” by examining others’ lectures.
・To be able to explain what you have learned and found important in each session in your own words.
・To be able to organize what you have learned so far by creating slides in groups and sharing them through an (online) poster tour.
・To be able to explain the procedure of an (online) poster tour by experiencing it.

DAY 6 Refining the Lectures for Microteaching
・To be able to explain the significance of giving a lecture on microteaching in your own words.
・To deliver a lecture you designed.
・To evaluate others’ lectures.
・To have the prospect of refining the lecture into ver.2 by reflecting on your own practice and evaluating others’ lectures.

DAY 7 Microteaching Session
・To deliver a revised lecture.
・To learn from others’ lectures.
・To verbalize what you think you can transfer to your future activities.

DAY 8 Envisioning Your Career Path by Creating a SAP* Chart
*SAP: Structured Academic Portfolio
Through the creation of SAP charts, participants will be able to:
・Reflect on and organize your past activities and visualize your educational views and the significance of your research.
・Realize the relevance of your activities.
・Have a future prospect and set objectives.

We worked together to achieve the following goals of the program: “to recognize the significance of ‘education’ as their duty as future faculty members and to be able to design and conduct educational activities considerate of students’ perspectives. The participants are to acquire the practical knowledge and skills necessary for conducting classes by experiencing and learning with other participants from various academic fields and develop attitudes to continuously improve their teaching and research.”

The microteaching sessions on DAY 6 & DAY 7, in particular, provided both presenters and the audience with “a rich learning experience” thanks to the alumni and former observers who supported the participants by facilitating discussions in small groups.

It is remarkable that many of the alumni said, “Coming back to FFP as a supporter was a kind of new experience, and the classes gave me a precious opportunity to learn a lot.” They seemed to show us the exact significance and value of “continuous learning.”

Also, the alumni joined the session for creating a SAP chart on DAY 8. They reflected on their past activities and carefully verbalized what they aim to do in the future. Communicating with such alumni, the 18th UTokyo FFP participants came to realize that they, too, would be able to interact with future participants as alumni.

The 18th Certificate Award Ceremony will be held online on Friday, February 18th, 2022, from 15:30–16:30.

The 19th UTokyo FFP is scheduled to start in the S semester, AY2022. If you wish to receive notifications on the briefing session on the next UTokyo FFP, please sign up for pre-application from the link below.

UTokyo FFP (19th~)
Pre-application form https://forms.gle/7Ao2gXdt2TpAr56EA

We will make continuous efforts in delivering and refining UTokyo FFP-like online classes to play a leading role in making education online.

Event Information

【Event Report】Symposium on Future Faculty Development/UTokyo Global FFDP

On December 16th in 2021, the event “Symposium on Future Faculty Development/UTokyo Global FFDP” was held to promote “UTokyo Global FFDP” (the official name: UTokyo Global Future Faculty Development Program), the English version of the FFP that will be newly launched in April, 2022 (more information at the end).

In total, 91 participants from Japan and overseas joined the event, since it was held online and using Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation. We in charge of the event are very happy about this massive response and would like to express our gratitude to all of you who participated, thank you!

The event welcomed invited guest speakers from other domestic and overseas institutions: Associate Professor Hiroaki Sato (Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Osaka University); Associate Professor Osamu Tomura (Center for Professional Development, Tohoku University), and Professor Linda von Hoene (GSI Teaching and Resource, University of California, Berkeley).

From the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education at The University of Tokyo, Director Yasushi Asami, Professor Kayoko Kurita (in charge of the UTokyo FFP), Project Associate Professor Gabriel Hervas (who will be the lecturer of the new program), and Ms. Airi Kawakami (Project Academic Specialist who will also facilitate the new program), participated in the event.

Outline of the event

This event consisted of two parts.

【First part: Symposium on future faculty development (FFD)】
Dr. Yasushi Asami gave the opening remarks to the event. Following this, our guest speakers (Dr.  Linda von Hoene, Dr. Hiroaki Sato, Dr. Osamu Tomura, Dr. Kayoko Kurita) presented how FFD initiatives take place at their institutions and referred to the challenges that they envision to FFD. These enlightening presentations were followed by a discussion among including Dr. Yasushi Asami and Dr. Gabriel Hervas on the current status and future of FFD.

【Second part: New program “UTokyo Global FFDP”】
In the second half of the event, Dr. Gabriel Hervas (the lecturer of the new program) presented UTokyo Global FFDP, which is scheduled to start this following April, and answered questions from attendees.

The videos and materials of the event are now available on the UTokyo OCW website (released as the contents of the 0th lecture of UTokyo Global FFDP).

Please follow the link below to check it.

OCW | Symposium on Future Faculty Development/UTokyo Global FFDP


New Program ー UTokyo Global FFDP

The new program “UTokyo Global FFDP” will be starting in April.
Details (e.g., the start date, entry deadline, etc.) will be announced later.

  • 【UTokyo Global FFDP Course Information】
  • Course start, time and day of the week: April 2022, 3rd and 4th periods (13:00-16:40), Tuesdays
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Instructors: Gabriel Hervas (Project Associate Professor); Kayoko Kurita (Professor)
  • Staff: Airi Kawakami (Project Academic Specialist)

”UTokyo Global FFDP” Logo Release

The logos of ”UTokyo Global FFDP” (UTokyo Global Future Faculty Development Program) have been released.
The logos use colors and design similar to UTokyo FFP’s logos so that they can be easily recognized as a program related to UTokyo FFP.

Besides the logos in the PDF file below, there are several design patterns varying in color and character array, and they will be used depending on the purpose. We hope that everyone will get familiar with the logos as well as our new program (*), which will be launched in April 2022.


UTokyo Global FFDP logos (To see the other designs, please open this PDF)


*What is ”UTokyo Global FFDP” (UTokyo Global Future Faculty Development Program)?

”UTokyo Global FFDP” is the English version of UTokyo FFP (☆), adjusted to meet the needs of international participants, keeping in mind their diverse learning backgrounds and possible future careers in academia. Starting from spring of 2022, this program aims to contribute to the training of students as future Higher Education teachers.

UTokyo Global FFDP covers topics that are essential for the participants’ careers as university teachers such as “the science of learning”, “teaching-learning strategies”, “assessment and feedback”, “syllabus design”, “class design” and so on. Participants can actively and cooperatively learn about these topics from an international and a pedagogically critical perspective. Also, in addition to developing educational competences, this program aims to foster the participants’ competence to cope with the globalization of university education.


☆Center for Research and Development of Higher Education is providing UTokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP), which is a program designed for UTokyo graduate students who aim to be university teachers, postdocs, or young faculty members to boost their teaching abilities.

For more details, please see below.

UTokyo Faculty Development (UTokyo FD) | UTokyo | UTokyo FFP


(The followings are the logos of UTokyo FFP)UTokyo FFP logos