} [Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 8] DAY 8 “A Safe and Secure Learning Environment” – UTokyo FD



[Sekido’s FFP Journal Vol 8] DAY 8 “A Safe and Secure Learning Environment”

DAY 8 “Envisioning Your Career Path: Structured Academic Portfolio (SAP) Chart
・Goals and Objectives
・Structured Academic Portfolio (SAP)
・The SAP Chart
・How to create a SAP chart


The UTokyo FFP finally reached DAY 8. This time, participants reflected on and organized their past activities, visualized their educational views and the significance of their research, and specified their courses of action and career paths through the creation of SAP charts.

Academic Portfolio (AP) is a tool to organize teaching, research, and service (i.e., administrative management of the institution and activities for social contribution), which are faculty duties, and evaluate the information regarding one’s achievements. Structured Academic Portfolio is a kind of portfolio whose description is structured and the procedure and points are clear. SAP is a document of 13–20 pages, and it requires a three-day workshop to create. SAP chart is a preparatory document for creating a SAP that visualizes the whole picture of SAP on an A3 sheet. This time, participants created SAP charts in three hours.

Participants identified the philosophy that underlies their activities by creating a SAP chart. Putting their philosophy into words and sharing it in pairs gave them a lot of insight. They found the core as a faculty member by thinking of the relationships between teaching, research, and service, and integrating them, and based on that, they examined their future objectives, courses of action, and career paths.
We received the following feedback from the participants: “I realized what underlies my sense of value,” “I feel impatient now because now I clearly know what I should do next,” and “I realized what I really would like to do.” They seemed to have gained a lot of insight from the activity of creating a SAP chart.

Facing your philosophy and sharing it with someone else is something that you cannot do unless you are in a safe and secure learning environment. The excellent course/class design of UTokyo FFP and a safe and secure learning environment created by the instructor and participants. Including DAY 8, I frequently encountered the moment when the interaction of these two elements led to wonderful learning. It made me think that I myself would like to create a safe and secure learning environment with my students, too. Come and join the UTokyo FFP for an authentic learning experience in a safe and secure learning environment.

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