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Introduction of “Global FD Event” held on March 23rd

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the presentation which will be held on Wednesday, March 23rd.

The theme is “Interdisciplinary Roundtable on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Academy” and this event is the culmination of the GFD Program Series on “Diversity in Higher Education”.

Facilitator will be Mr. Mark R. Bookman Ph.D, who is the Postdoctoral Fellow at Tokyo College.  Tokyo College (u-tokyo.ac.jp)

Please read the datails as follows Introduction of “Global FD Event” held on March 23rd



Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on December 14th

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the presentation which will be held on Tuesday, December 14th.

The theme is “The Role of Universities in Creating More Inclusive Societies” and speaker will be Mr. Mark R. Bookman Ph.D, who is the Postdoctoral Fellow at Tokyo College.   Tokyo College (u-tokyo.ac.jp)

Please read the datails as follows :Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on December 14th 




Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on November 22nd

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the presentation which will be held on Monday, November 22nd.

The theme is “Fostering Creativity in Education and Research” and the guest speaker will be Mr. Kevin Byron, Ph.D.
Please read the datail : Introduction of “Global FD Presentation” held on November 22nd – Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo



Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on November 10th

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the workshop which will be held on Wednesday, November 10th.

The theme is “Mind Mapping for Information Management and Collaborative Activities”.  Guest speaker will be Mr. John Augeri, Ph.D.

This workshop will present the basics of Mind Mapping and some typical academic use cases and will propose a hands-on time on key software.

Please read about the details of this event. Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on November 10th – Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo



Introduction of “Global FD Lecture held on October 19

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the lecture which will be held on Tuesday, October 19th.

The theme is “An Introduction to Supporting Students with Autism in Higher Education”. Guest speaker will be Ms.Alison Taylor (P.h.D).

Please check following website:Introduction of “Global FD Lecture held on October 19th” – Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo



Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on October 6th

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the workshop which will be held on Wednesday, October 6th.

The theme is “Online and Offline Learning Spaces: Perspectives for Hybrid Teaching and Learning Configurations.”
Guest speaker will be Mr. John Augeri, Ph.D.

This workshop will discuss these opportunities and perspectives through the lessons learned from the COVID era and the progressive transition to new models involving innovative digital and physical learning spaces.

Please read about the details of this event. Introduction of “Global FD Workshop” held on October 6th


[Tips] How to Use “Immersive View” on Zoom

Zoom has been widely used for online courses and meetings. Its new function “Immersive View” is now available (as of the end of April 2021). It is enabled by default for all accounts using Zoom 5.6.3 or higher.

It displays participants in a virtual space that appears like a classroom or a meeting room, thereby enabling them to immerse themselves in the situation.

For more details, please click the following link.
[Tips] How to Use “Immersive View” on Zoom – Center for Research and Development of Higher Education


Introduction of Global FD Workshop “Critical Thinking in Political Theory: Addressing Incommensurability” held on April 14

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to our workshop which will be held on Wednesday, April 14

The theme is “Critical Thinking in Political Theory: Addressing Incommensurability ” and the guest speaker is Allyn Fives, a lecturer in political theory at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
Please refer to the details as follows:Introduction of Global FD Workshop “Critical Thinking in Political Theory: Addressing Incommensurability” .



U.S. Embassy Tokyo virtual discussion ‘Online Education Technology – Shaping the Future of Learning’

The U.S. Embassy Tokyo is inviting you with an online seminar on ‘Online Education Technology – Shaping the Future of Learning’. Please join.

1.Date/time: Wednesday, April 14         0:00pm-0:55pm (JST)

2.Speaker:  Darcy W. Hardy, Associate VP for Academic Affairs, North America Higher Education at Blackboard Inc.

3.Moderator: Nanako Ishido, President of NPO CANVAS,  Learning of Tomorrow CEO

4.Program via Zoom webinar, with simultaneous interpretation and Japanese closed captions

5.Admission: Free

6. Co-organizers and cooperators:  U.S. Embassy Tokyo, Learning of Tomorrow, NPO CANVAS

7.Online registration:   Registration (Zoom login information will be sent via email)

☆ Inquiries       : TokyoPASCP@state.gov

☆ Related website  : https://americancenterjapan.com/event/202104147494/