} 新任教員 – UTokyo FD

Launch of a New Course on Coursera “Learn How to Teach by 6 Min. Micro Teaching”

A new course “Learn How to Teach by 6 Min. Micro Teaching” was released on Coursera on August 27th, 2024.

This course is a program to learn specifically how to design and improve classes through the creation of a 6-minute microteaching class. The course is designed for current and aspiring teachers from elementary education to higher education, and can be completed in three weeks. The program aims to help learners understand the significance of the “6-minute microteaching class,” and learners practice the necessary knowledge and theories based on the “ADDIE Model,” a key framework for creating classes, through a variety of work (hands-on experience). Then, by creating a graphic class design and a class design sheet, learners design and conduct a microteaching class. Afterwards, learners will review the microteaching class and work on improvement. In addition to watching videos and completing worksheets (individual work), the course also emphasizes the expansion and deepening of learning through interaction with other learners in the community platform such as discussion forums.

All course content is available free of charge. A certificate of completion can also be issued for a fee.
On top of that, you can learn at your own pace. We hope you enjoy our program!

Click here to enroll in the course.

6分間模擬授業で学ぶ授業づくり(Learn How to Teach by 6 Min. Micro Teaching) | Coursera

*Currently, content is available in Japanese only. English materials (lecture slides, worksheets, subtitles) will be available later.

■Related program
Interactive Teaching(インタラクティブ・ティーチング) | Coursera


[Aug 18, 19, 20] “Interactive Teaching” Real Session

We are very pleased to announce that we will hold an intensive 3-day in-person session, Interactive Teaching Real Session. In this session, participants will not only deepen the knowledge they have learned in Interactive Teaching but also learn practically through many works such as conducting a microteaching class, designing a syllabus, and creating a TP/SAP chart. 

If you would like to join this event, please fill out the form below (Japanese):


The information of the event is as follows:

【The outline of Interactive Teaching Real Session】

  • Date and time: August 18th (Sun) 9:00-17:00, 19th (Mon) 9:00-17:00, 20th (Tue) 9:00-17:00 (JST) (+ optional social gathering). Note: please participate all three days.
  • Format: In-person (Faculty of Education Building, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo)
  • Instructors: Kayoko Kurita, Wonhwa Park, Airi Kawakami, Osami, Nabeta (the University of Tokyo)
  • Targeted attendees: Those who have completed (or are expected to complete by August 11th, 2024) Interactive Teaching and are able to work on the pre-assignments.
  • Language: Japanese
  • Fee: Free 
  • Capacity: 16 people

*The selection will be conducted based on the “Motive for Participation” and “Class Design Sheet” submitted through the application form. Results will be notified once your application is reviewed. 

  • Registration deadline: Monday, 5 August 2024 9:00 AM (JST)
  • Content: The goal of this session is to acquire practical knowledge and experience applicable to your own classes, through various exercises based on the learning in “Interactive Teaching”. Prior to the session, we would like participants to complete the pre-assignments: preparation of (1) micro-teaching, (2) class design, and (3) text syllabus. (In terms of the class design and text syllabus, those who are not currently teaching will be asked to prepare them, assuming classes they are likely to be in charge of.) Details will be announced at a later date. For the schedule of the session, please click here


*For this event, we will conduct a satisfaction survey to understand participants’ opinions, to analyze the learning effects for research purposes and to utilize the results for the improvement of our future events. If the survey is to be published as research, it will be statistically processed and made public in consideration of anonymity. We kindly ask for your cooperation. 

*To participate in this session, you are required to complete the course “Interactive Teaching” by August 11th. If you would like to take the Coursera course, please read the following and enroll (for free).


We sincerely look forward to your participation!


[“Interactive Teaching” Course Description]

・How to take the course: Please sign up on Coursera, and you can take the course from the following URL. Interactive Teaching | Coursera

・Language of instruction: Japanese (English worksheets and subtitles available) 

・Lecturers: Dr. Kayoko Kurita (The University of Tokyo) and others

・Fee: Free (An additional fee is necessary for a certificate. )

・Content: The course has eight WEEKs, each comprising three sessions: Knowledge, Skill, and Story. Please refer to Interactive Teaching | Coursera for more details.


Airi Kawakami (Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo)

E-mail: utokyo_fd@he.u-tokyo.ac.jp


[July 25] Japan-Korea FD Comparative Symposium

We are very pleased to announce that we will host the “Japan-Korea Faculty Development Comparative Symposium” in a hybrid format on Thursday, July 25, 2024.

【Basic Information】

  • Date & Time:Thursday, July 25, 2024, 13:00-17:00
  • Format:Hybrid(In-person/Online)
  • Language:Japanese ⇔ Korean(Simultaneous interpretation available)
  • Venue
    • •(In-person):Daiwa House Ishibashi Nobuo Memorial Hall, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo(Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building, 3rd floor)
    • •(Online):Zoom(Details to be announced)
  • Details & registration:Please click here.


【Purpose of the Symposium】

This symposium will provide an overview of the current status and initiatives in faculty development (FD), comparing cases in Japan and Korea. This symposium will provide the participants with an opportunity to compare and discuss FD in Japan and Korea, and to think about the future prospects.


【Overview】(※Honorific titles omitted)(※The presentation titles are tentative translations.)

Moderator: Akira Haga (The University of Tokyo)

13:00 Opening
Greeting Takumi Moriyama (Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo)
Greeting Yasushi Asami (Director, Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo)
13:15 Briefing Park, Wonhwa (The University of Tokyo)
== == Presentations == ==
①13:25 – 13:45 ”Adaptive Teaching Support System and Outcome Management of CTL in Korean Universities”
Nam, Min Woo (Daejeon University)
②13:45 – 14:05 ”The History and Current State of FD in Japan”
Hiroaki Sato (Osaka University)
③14:05 – 14:25 ”Growth of the Korean Council of University Educational Development Centers and Issues of the Journal “University Teaching and Learning Research””
Lee, Eunhwa (Silla University)
④ 14:25 – 14:45 “Current Status and Future Direction of FD/Pre-FD Initiatives at the University of Tokyo”
Kayoko Kurita (The University of Tokyo)

(15 min. break)

⑤ 15:00 – 15:20 “Current Status and Case Studies of Learning Support Programs in Korean Universities”
Yun, Hui-Jeong (Sookmyung Women’s University)
⑥ 15:20 – 15:40 “FD Initiatives at Shibaura Institute of Technology: From Individual Faculty Development to Curriculum Integrity”
Nobuhisa Sakakibara (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
15:40 – 16:00 Panel Discussion
Min, Hyeree (Seoul National University)
Park, Wonhwa (The University of Tokyo)
16:00 – 16:55 Discussion
17:00 Closing
(*17:45 – Reception)


【Details & registration】

Please click here (external website: Peatix) or follow this link to view the poster.

【Contact us】

utokyo_fd[at]he.u-tokyo.ac.jp (※Please replace [at] with @)


We sincerely look forward to your participation!


Publication “Interactive Teaching Jissen-Hen 3: Manabi o Unagasu Hyōka”

We are pleased to announce the publication of the book “Interactive teaching jissen-hen 3: Manabi o unagasu hyōka: rubric no sahō to jitsurei [Interactive Teaching practice 3: Evaluation that promotes active learning: rubrics’ design methods and cases]” (Kurita, K., & Nakamura, N. (Eds.), Kawai Publishing).

インタラクティブ・ティーチング 「学びの場」を変えたいすべての人へ 実践編3 学びを促す評価

This book focuses on rubric, which is an assessment tool suitable for reports, presentations, and so on. It explains the basics and characteristics of rubrics, the procedure for creating them, and how to utilize them to promote students’ learning more effectively, and provides a variety of examples.

Please click here to purchase the book on Amazon.

As with the online course, this book is useful not only for graduate students and university faculty, but also for elementary and secondary teachers.

We hope that you will take a look at this book.


■ Related links

What Is “Interactive Teaching”? | UTokyo FD

Interactive Teaching(インタラクティブ・ティーチング) | Coursera



【October 28th】The 6th Symposium “Generative AI and Learning”

The 6th Symposium (Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)”Generative AI and learning” will be held.

Project Assistant Professor Akira Haga from our FD Unit will participate in the symposium as a speaker. The symposium is open to a wide range of audience, including those who learn, those who teach, those who support learning, and so on. If you are interested, please check the details below and join it.

Date & Time: Saturday, October 28th, 2023, 13:30-15:30

Venue: Online via Zoom webinar

Participation fee: Free of charge

Purpose: The University of Tokyo and Nagase Brothers Inc. have established “The Future Society Initiative fund of Nagase and UTokyo Innovative Learning Creation Studies” to contribute to developing an inclusive society through education. The 6th Symposium will focus on the possibility of using generative AI, and will introduce case studies and research mainly on the field of learning and technologies to support learning.

Click here for registration.


[Report] Certificate Award Ceremony Conducted for the 19th UTokyo FFP / the 1st UTokyo Global FFDP

The Certificate Award Ceremony for the 19th “The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)” and The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Development Program (UTokyo Global FFDP) was held on Zoom on Thursday, September 15th, 2023.
Fifty-four participants completed the 19th UTokyo FFP, and fourteen participants completed the 1st UTokyo Global FFDP. Each of them received a certificate. They had a congratulatory address from Prof. Yasushi Asami, Director of the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo.

Later, UTokyo FFP alumni appeared as guest speakers and explained their various activities after completing the program and introduced the alumni network. From UTokyo Global FFDP, the representative of the 1st edition gave a speech.

UTokyo FFP is a program for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members to enhance their teaching competences by creating syllabi, conducting microteaching and so on.

UTokyo FFP has produced a total of 903 people who completed the program coming from every graduate school at The University of Tokyo.

The 20th UTokyo FFP is scheduled to start in October, AY2023, and the application is open now through the following link.

The 2nd edition of UTokyo Global FFDP is scheduled to start in April, AY2023.


Event Information

[21st UTokyo FFP] Certificate Award Ceremony Conducted

The 21st Certificate Award Ceremony of “The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)” was held on Thursday, September 28th, 2023. It was held online this term as well.
Thirty-nine participants completed the 21st program, and each of them received a certificate. They had a congratulatory address from Prof. Yasushi Asami, Director of the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo.

Later, alumni appeared as guest speakers and explained their various activities after completing the program and the significance and value of UTokyo FFP. Also, we introduced the alumni network, which all the completers of the course have joined.

UTokyo FFP is a program for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/staff members to enhance their teaching competences by creating syllabi, practicing microteaching and so on.

UTokyo FFP has produced a total of 993 people who completed the program coming from every graduate school at The University of Tokyo.

The next program (the 22nd UTokyo FFP) is scheduled to start in October, AY2023, and the application is open now.
・About UTokyo FFP  https://dev2.utokyofd.com/ffp/about/


[Report] Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 2nd Real Session DAY 3

The following is a brief summary of DAY 3 of the Real Session held on September 15th (Fri), 2023.

  • ■Objectives for DAY 3
  • ●Be able to envision your career path and organize your daily activities and future prospects.


■DAY 3 Schedule


  • [TP/SAP Chart Creation] (9:00–12:35)
  • Participants were divided into two groups according to their needs and respectively created a chart: a TP chart (Instructor: Kurita) or a SAP chart (Instructor: Park). The objectives of this activity were to reflect on their teaching/research activities and to make use of such reflection in improving their future classes and clarifying their career paths.
Participants creating SAP charts


  • [Reflection on the Entire Session] (12:35–12:45)
  • Participants reflected on the entire session and individually organized what they had learned and their thoughts.


  • [Award of Certificate of Completion] (12:45–13:00)
  • The certificates of completion were awarded to participants.
Award of certificate of completion


  • ■Participants’ Reactions
  • Eight participants answered our questionnaire after the session. Regarding the question on the satisfaction of the whole event (i.e., a five-point scale question with “5: Extremely satisfied” and “1: Extremely dissatisfied”), four people (50%) rated “5” (the highest), and four (50%) rated “4.” Furthermore, seven participants (87.5%) rated “5” (the highest)  and one (12.5%) rated “4” to the question asking whether participation in the event would be useful to their future (“5: Strongly agree” and “1: Strongly disagree”).

Here are some of the feedback we received in the comment section (*Please note that we partly extracted the feedback to anonymize the respondents.):


What did you find good about this event?

“That I could experience the practical learning that can be a review of the online course but also lead to the knowledge retention and improvement of my teaching skills.

“That the session as a whole was built on participative learning and I could learn active learning through experiencing it.”

“That I could deliver a microteaching lecture twice and receive feedback for that. That the venue like “culturally isolated island” allowed me to immerse myself in the session for three days and two nights. That a lot of informal interactions happened by conducting the session face-to-face. That I could spend fulfilling three days thanks to the staff’s support.”

“The SAP Chart Creation was a great reflective opportunity. The workload was not small, but the time passed so quickly as the other participants listened respectfully to me and gave me comments about it in pairs.

“It was great that even on a small scale I practiced what I learned through the online course and received feedback. There were many things that I only noticed after doing myself.”

“That I could acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for learner-centered learning. That I could get to know people with various professions and received opinions from diverse perspectives.”


Other remarks and comments

“The content itself was highly suggestive and I could interact with people from a wide variety of fields.”

“Since I am not a teacher, I was not sure if I can participate until just before the session. However, it turned out to be a great opportunity. The announcements from Kawakami-san were just right amount and spot-on, so that also encouraged me to join it. Looking back, I enjoyed being deep in the mountains of Hachioji. Thank you very much♪”

“Overall, the session schedule was so tight including the revision of microteaching after the session on DAY 1, but I thought the certificate has the value for that.”

“I am sincerely grateful for this opportunity despite your very busy schedule. I would like to recommend this session to educators in my hometown or those with whom I have connection. Also, if I can, I would like to participate in it again to retry a 6-minute class. I hope to carry out the missions from my standpoint at that time. Thank you for your support.”

“The learning made me realize that I knew nothing and think that I want to learn more. Also, the face-to-face intensive session was a pleasant stimulus for me to learn about blind self and the knowledge of ignorance. I will put this learning into practice wherever I am situated in the future. I am grateful for the three days of active learning. Thank you very much.

“Thank you very much for the three days. I would like to participate again if there is a chance.”

“It is fun to have a training camp for adults. Thank you for your preparation to make it so. I had a fruitful summer vacation.”


We are pleased that we received high ratings from all the respondents in various aspects. They also provided us with a lot of comments on the points that need improvement and requests for topics to be focused on in the future. We are eager to develop new events based on the opinions we received. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the people who provided us with feedback.


  • ■What’s Next?
  • The event was the first training-camp-style Real Session to be held after the launch of the course “Interactive Teaching.” The responses to our questionnaire show that many of the participants learned a lot from the Real Session. On the other hand, since we staff were not familiar with this form of event, there were also many comments on the points that need improvement and requests for topics to be focused on in the future. Reconsidering the venue, procedure, and event structure, we are eager to develop/run events based on the feedback. We hope that many people will join our future events. Details are to be announced. We look forward to your participation.



  • Click here for the details of DAY 1.
  • Click here for the details of DAY 2.


Airi Kawakami (Project Academic Specialist in charge of “Interactive Teaching”)



[Report] Coursera “Interactive Teaching”: The 2nd Real Session DAY 2

The following is a brief summary of DAY 2 of the Real Session held on September 14th (Thu), 2023.

■Objectives for DAY 2

  • ●Experience active learning strategies and be able to use them.
  • ●Be able to describe a course that lets students learn actively in the form of a syllabus.
  • ●Be able to design an evaluation based on essential knowledge.
  • ●Be able to apply what you learned when conducting a lecture for microteaching sessions.


■DAY 2 Schedule



  • [Syllabus] (8:50–10:25)
  • Participants listened to a lecture on syllabuses and worked on an activity. They learned the tips on creating text syllabi and revised their own ones. They also created graphic syllabi and shared them in groups.
Participants sharing their graphic syllabi in groups


  • [Evaluation] (10:50–12:40)
  • Participants discussed various aspects of evaluation, using a worksheet. Also, they created rubrics in groups and presented them to each other in the format of Poster Tour.
Participants creating a rubric


  • [Active Learning] (13:30–14:50)
  • The lecturer gave a lecture on active learning. Participants experienced one of the active learning strategies, “Peer Instruction.”
Peer Instruction


  • [Revising Microteaching] (15:00–15:30)
  • Participants revised their lecture for microteaching sessions based on what they learned.


  • [Microteaching Session] (15:30–18:00)
  • Participants conducted refined lectures for the microteaching session. This time the lectures were given to the whole participants instead of groups.
  • STEP 1: A participant conducts a lecture as a lecturer. (6 min)
  • STEP 2: The lecturer-participant receives feedback from the instructors while the other participants fill in the feedback sheets.
  • STEP 3: The lecturer-participant shares their thoughts with the whole participants, and he/she receives the feedback sheets that other participants filled in.
A participant giving a lecture
Microteaching session


DAY 2 became another busy day where participants not just listened to lectures but also experienced active learning strategies and worked on various activities. It was designed to let them apply what they learned to the revision of their lectures and syllabuses.

  • Click here for the details of DAY 3.
  • (Click here for the details of DAY 1.)


Airi Kawakami (Project Academic Specialist in charge of “Interactive Teaching”)