} 新任教員 – Page 3 – UTokyo FD

【Report】UTokyo Global FFDP 2nd Edition:DAY 4

The fourth session (DAY 4) of the 2nd edition of UTokyo Global FFDP was held in-person on Tuesday, June 20th, 2023. The topic of the session was “course & syllabus design“. The following are some of the key moments (highlights) of the session.



First, we started the class reviewing the contents of the previous class with the participants’ ideas through an online resource to gather their responses in real-time.

After that, we made explicit for the participants part of the design of the course. In particular, we explained how we have been reviewing each day the learning of the previous classes.

For us, this was key for two reasons: (a) doing this makes visible for the participants part of the rationale of the learning experience they are going through, and (b) these are ideas that the participants can also implement in their own classes (hence, it is also a learning material).

During the class, we reviewed different ideas regarding course and syllabus design that appeared in the video that the participants watched before the class (backward design, constructive alignment, potential components of a syllabus, etc.).

Following this, we explored different educational notions (goals, objectives, intended learning outcomes), by examining how different universities define and use these terms.

In relation with this, we learnt about how to write learning outcomes, amongst others, considering Bloom’s taxonomy.

With this preparation, the main activity of the class involved the participants in reviewing their syllabi and in sharing ideas and feedback to continue improving them. We were glad to see that all the participants discussed very actively (even during the break)!

Lastly, we explained the following sessions (the participants will teach design a class and will teach it in front of their peers so they can receive feedback).

Stay tuned for new reports of UTokyo Global FFDP after DAY 5!


Dr. Gabriel Hervas (Lecturer. Project Associate Professor)

Ms. Airi Kawakami(Staff. Project Academic Specialist)


【Report】UTokyo Global FFDP 2nd Edition:DAY 3

The third session (DAY 3) of the 2nd edition of UTokyo Global FFDP was held online on Tuesday, June 6th, 2023. The topic of the session was “assessment, evaluation and feedback“. The following are some of the key moments (highlights) of the session.


First, we paid explicit attention to the participants’ learning process and gains by:

  • a) Comparing the responses to the same/similar questions on different moments of the course

  • b) Reviewing their emerging learning on teaching and learning techniques and on the use of rubrics by making use of questions that the participants had created before the class

Also, during the class we discussed our feedback and ideas to create multiple-choice questions. Among others, we talked about the use of certainty-based marking/confidence assessment. The idea is that points are assigned for each response based on how confident the learner feels answering each question.

The images on the following slide belong to/are extracted from: Wu, Q., Vanerum, M., Agten, A., Christiansen, A., Vandenabeele, F., Rigo, J. M., & Janssen, R. (2021). Certainty-Based Marking on Multiple-Choice Items: Psychometrics Meets Decision Theory. Psychometrika, 86(2), 518-543.

Another highlight of the class is when the participants learnt about speed-dating as a teaching and learning strategy through experiential learning (they went through the experience of speed-dating). While doing this in an on-line setting can be challenging, we were glad to see smiles on their faces at the end!


During the class, we built on the emerging learning of the participants (after watching a couple of videos before the class). In groups, they discussed the creation of a rubric to assess groupwork and a created a table summarizing key ideas about the different natures and purposses of assessment.

Lastly, we discussed with the participants ideas on the features of quality feedback.

At the end of the class, we looked through the information about the next class and the tasks to fulfill before that.

Stay tuned for new reports of UTokyo Global FFDP after DAY 4! The next session will be held in-person!


Dr. Gabriel Hervas (Lecturer. Project Associate Professor)

Ms. Airi Kawakami(Staff. Project Academic Specialist)


【Report】UTokyo Global FFDP 2nd Edition:DAY 2

The second session (DAY 2) of the 2nd edition of UTokyo Global FFDP was held online on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023. The topic of the session was “teaching and learning methods, strategies and techniques”. The following are some of the key moments (highlights) of the session.



During the class, we first summarized the contents of DAY 1 using the participants’ responses to what they learnt. The responses were collected through a reflective writing task which we had asked the participants to submit by DAY 2.

Also, we used ChatGPT to create a classroom assessment technique (CAT). We discussed “flipped classroom”, reviewing the explanation generated by ChatGPT by forcing the AI to offer a not fully correct explanation.

We learnt about different teaching and learning techniques using experiential learning (i.e., we learnt about jigsaw through jigsaw). We learnt 4 techniques: Think-pair-share, jigsaw, gallery walk, and fishbowl. The picture shows a breakout room.

Then we discussed and shared ideas about teaching and learning techniques strategies with the whole class.

At the end of the class, we granted options to the participants to continuously keep track of their own learning gains. We asked them to fill in the online form, and we will discuss the results in the next class, DAY 3.

Stay tuned for new reports of UTokyo Global FFDP after DAY 3!


Dr. Gabriel Hervas (Lecturer. Project Associate Professor)

Ms. Airi Kawakami(Staff. Project Academic Specialist)


【Report】UTokyo Global FFDP 2nd Edition:DAY 1

The first session (DAY 1) of the 2nd edition of UTokyo Global FFDP was held online on Tuesday, May 16th, 2023. The topic of the session was “the science of learning”.

The following are what we call the “highlights of the day“, key moments of the session that we share with our participants as a reminder of the class and of their good work. In addition, we accompany these highlights with a follow-up/feedforward document addressing in more detail some ideas that emerged in class and/or other connected aspects that might be of interest.


The participants shared and discussed key aspects on the science of learning based on the content of a video that they had watched prior to the class (the course is, overall, based on flipped classroom).

In UTokyo Global FFDP, we conduct an “initial survey” before the course begins. Its purpose is to grasp the students’ prior ideas, interests and needs and to adjust the course accordingly. In class, we discussed their previous ideas about the science of learning and its practical implications using the results to that survey to make visible their emerging learning gain.


During the class, we discussed the idea of “scaffolding” and we shared ideas to keep in mind to design courses and classes that contribute to learning based on this idea.

Also, we discussed a potential utility of chatbots such as ChatGPT to “facilitate” teachers’ work, for instance, in summarizing students’ work (only in situations when there is no potential risk for the students’ and their learning and after a careful review by the teacher).

Lastly, another highlight of the session was when we discussed the range of options that we can find from a learner-centered to teacher-centered approach and discussed the idea of “direct instruction“.

Stay tuned for new reports of UTokyo Global FFDP after DAY 2!


Dr. Gabriel Hervas (Lecturer. Project Associate Professor)

Ms. Airi Kawakami(Staff. Project Academic Specialist)


【Event Report】UTokyo FD Open “Course & Syllabus Design” “Class Design & Microteaching”

Two workshops of UTokyo FD Open, “Course & Syllabus Design” and “Class Design & Microteaching”, were held on March 30th and 31st respectively in 2023.

These workshops were held at Hongo Campus. In total, 18 people participated in “Course & Syllabus Design”, and 10 in “Class Design & Microteaching”. The participants were diverse in affiliation, position, discipline, and region of origin.

For more information about UTokyo FD Open, please click here.

Event Information

2.27 Universal Design for Learning and English Language Teaching

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to the presentation which will be held on Monday, February 27th. The theme is “Universal Design for Learning and English Language Teaching”.

Please read the datails as follows : Introduction of Introduction of “GFD Talk Event ” held on February 27th

Event Information

3.22-23 Crafting Assessments for Critical Thinking 2-day workshop

GFD TALK Event: Crafting Assessments for Critical Thinking 2-day workshop

Speaker: Peggy Brickman
Date: Wednesday March 22 and Thursday March 23, Check schedule below
Venue: Komaba Campus, KIBER Building
Language English with AI-generated captions in Japanese
*After the completion of the workshop, a participation certificate will be granted

Register here



“Interactive Teaching” Leaflet Release

The leaflet of “Interactive Teaching”, which is available on Coursera for free, has been newly released.

  • This leaflet summarizes various information about Interactive Teaching, such as the features and structure of the course, how to take the course, and information on events.
  • In addition, we aimed to create a cheerful and friendly leaflet by including many pictures of the course mascot, Italu-kun and by using multiple colors.


If you want the actual leaflets, please reach out to us at: utokyo_fd[at]he.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Please replace [at] with @.)

We hope that this leaflet will be viewed by many people and the course will continue to be utilized in various educational settings.

Click here(Coursera “Interactive Teaching”) for course registration and details.

  • =========================================================================

[Course Outline]

  • ■Goal: To acquire teaching knowledge, skills, and techniques necessary for promoting interactive learning where students take an active role in their learning.
  • ■Language: Provided in both Japanese and English
  • ■Instructors: Kayoko Kurita (The University of Tokyo) and more
  • ■Fee: Free of charge (An additional fee is necessary if you would like a certificate to be issued.)
  • ■Structure: The course is designed to be completed in eight weeks, each consisting of three sessions: Knowledge Session, Skill Session, and Story Session. The topic for each week is as follows:
  •  Week 1 Learning about Active Learning
  •  Week 2 Active Learning Techniques
  •  Week 3 The Science of Learning
  •  Week 4 Designing a 90-minute Class
  •  Week 5 Designing a More User-Friendly Syllabus
  •  Week 6 Evaluations That Promote Learning
  •  Week 7 Thinking about Career Paths (1): What Being a Professor Means
  •  Week 8 Thinking about Career Paths (2): The Use of Portfolio
  • =========================================================================
  • [Inquiries]
    • Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo
    • Airi Kawakami
    • E-mail: utokyo_fd[at]he.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Please replace [at] with @.)
Event Information

New Workshop Series: UTokyo FD Open

We would like to inform and invite you to an exciting (free) new opportunity created at the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo, for those interested in developing their teaching skills regardless of their institution or organization: UTokyo FD Open.

The pamphlet attached includes the main details, but these are the highlights of UTokyo FD Open:

  •       ■  What: UTokyo FD Open is a series of workshops that address relevant topics on teaching and learning for those interested in developing their teaching skills. The workshops emphasize discussion and practice.
  •       ■  Language: English.
  •       ■  Participants & certificate: Those interested in improving their teaching skills, regardless of their affiliation and position (we prioritize those interested in university teaching). Participants obtain a certificate.
  •       ■  Where: In person, at The University of Tokyo (for now!).
  •       ■  Fee: Free


We launch UTokyo FD Program on March 2023 with two workshops by Dr. Gabriel Hervas, Project Associate Professor at our Center and designer of the program:

  •      ■  “Course and syllabus design”
  •      ■  “Class design and micro-teaching”


If you are interested, do not let this opportunity pass and apply using the following link (it includes details on the exact dates and on the workshops):


If you know someone who might be interested in UTokyo FD Open, feel free to share this information. We will also keep you posted about these and other workshops that will open throughout the year.

In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach us out at utokyo_fd@he.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Thank you very much for your attention. We sincerely look forward to your participation!