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UTokyo FFP (DAY 8) Now Viewable on OCW

The lecture video of “DAY 8: Envisioning Your Career Path by Creating a SAP Chart” of “The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP)” is now viewable on UTokyo OCW. This update makes the entire lecture videos of UTokyo FFP published on OCW.

Please click the link below for more details.

UTokyo FFP (DAY 8) Now Viewable on OCW! – Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo (u-tokyo.ac.jp) 

Envisioning Your Career Path by Creating a SAP Chart | UTokyo OpenCourseWare (u-tokyo.ac.jp)


Introduction of Global FD Workshop “Critical Thinking in Political Theory: Addressing Incommensurability” held on April 14

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to our workshop which will be held on Wednesday, April 14

The theme is “Critical Thinking in Political Theory: Addressing Incommensurability ” and the guest speaker is Allyn Fives, a lecturer in political theory at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
Please refer to the details as follows:Introduction of Global FD Workshop “Critical Thinking in Political Theory: Addressing Incommensurability” .



U.S. Embassy Tokyo virtual discussion ‘Online Education Technology – Shaping the Future of Learning’

The U.S. Embassy Tokyo is inviting you with an online seminar on ‘Online Education Technology – Shaping the Future of Learning’. Please join.

1.Date/time: Wednesday, April 14         0:00pm-0:55pm (JST)

2.Speaker:  Darcy W. Hardy, Associate VP for Academic Affairs, North America Higher Education at Blackboard Inc.

3.Moderator: Nanako Ishido, President of NPO CANVAS,  Learning of Tomorrow CEO

4.Program via Zoom webinar, with simultaneous interpretation and Japanese closed captions

5.Admission: Free

6. Co-organizers and cooperators:  U.S. Embassy Tokyo, Learning of Tomorrow, NPO CANVAS

7.Online registration:   Registration (Zoom login information will be sent via email)

☆ Inquiries       : TokyoPASCP@state.gov

☆ Related website  : https://americancenterjapan.com/event/202104147494/


Publication “Active Learning and Teaching at the University of Tokyo”

We are pleased to announce that a book on active learning at the University of Tokyo will be published on March 24.
It is entitled “Active Learning and Teaching at the University of Tokyo.” For more details, please click the link below.

The book includes the case study of “Teaching Development in Higher Education” (The University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program) in Chapter 7.

Active Learning and Teaching at the University of Tokyo – University of Tokyo Press (utp.or.jp)




Introduction of “Spotlight event” by Global FD held on April 20th

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to a spotlight event with three members of Tokyo College next Tuesday, April 20th, from 5-6:30pm JST.

The theme is ” Collaborative interdisciplinary course design: a case study from Tokyo College”.

This is a great opportunity to get to know Tokyo College and to learn from their experience developing an interdisciplinary seminar for undergraduates.

Please refer to the following page: Introduction of “Spotlight event” by Global FD held on April 20th


Publication “Interactive Teaching”

A book written by Associate Professor Kayoko Kurita is introduced on the website “UTokyo BiblioPlaza,” where faculty at the University of Tokyo talk about their own books.

Please click the link below.

Introduction of a Book Related to “Interactive Teaching” – Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo (u-tokyo.ac.jp)




Launch of the New Website: Center for Research and Development of Higher Education

We are proud to announce that the new website of the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo has been launched. Please click the following link.

Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo (u-tokyo.ac.jp)

The Center for Research and Development of Higher Education “provides courses and resources and supports sharing and deepening practical knowledge to promote online classes for better education” and is engaged in publishing regular courses and various lectures conducted at the University of Tokyo through the use of OpenCourseWare (OCW), UTokyo TV, MOOCs, etc.
The website of the Center shares a variety of information from the standpoint of “contributing to <the evolution of education> at the University of Tokyo and flexibly developing and further fulfilling <future learning> in accordance with the change of times.”


*UTokyo FD website (this website) focuses on “teaching at university” and provides opportunities for collecting information and self-study on class design and enhancing skills in teaching at university.
It supports the activities of faculty development (FD) for people engaged in education at the University of Tokyo and pre-FD for graduate students.

Event Information

GFD program “Teaching Sustainable Development in Higher Education”

The Global Faculty Development (GFD) Program would like to invite you to our f workshop which will be held on Monday, February 22nd. This event will provide a general introduction to education for sustainable development with specific examples from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Guest speaker will be Dr. Anders Rosén, an associate professor in Naval Architecture at the KTH Department of Engineering Mechanics.

Details about the workshop are listed below:

TitleTeaching Sustainable Development in Higher Education

Date: Monday, February 22nd from 4-6pm (JST)

*From 6pm onwards, there will be extra time for discussion (for interested participants).

Place: Zoom Meeting style

Registration: Encouraged with the link below         


(Link will be sent to all registered participants the day before the workshop)

ContentsWe will cover the following:

  • General introduction to sustainable development – why, what, how.
  • Hands-on workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals in UN’s 2030 Agenda.
  • Insights on how KTH Royal Institute of Technology is working to integrate sustainable development into educational programs.
  • Discussion on status and opportunities for integrating sustainable development at the University of Tokyo (and Japanese universities more generally).

Eligibility: All faculty, staff, and students welcome!

Language: English and Japanese

* Simultaneous translation (English to Japanese) will be available.

Admission: Free

Inquiries: GFD committee     (e-mail: global.fd@adm.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp )