} Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site: Part 1 – UTokyo FD



Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site: Part 1

“Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site @ the University of Tokyo | utelecon” is a one-stop website to help students and faculty/staff members at the University of Tokyo collect information on online classes and web conferences. https://utelecon.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en


The website outlines ITC-LMS (learning management system) and web conference systems such as Zoom, provides instructions to use these tools, and shares information on events. It also helps you in creating an account to use these services.

“Application/Report Form” with a description of a support desk and the class supporter system for people affiliated with the University of Tokyo is available, too.

A recent update of the website is the “Good Practices” page which shares information on good practices in online classes. Lunchtime information exchange meetings that were held in the S Semester are ongoing in the A Semester, too. The videos and materials of the meetings are available online.

The website is strongly recommended to the students and faculty/staff members at the University of Tokyo, but there are also a lot of pages for people outside the University. We hope they will be informative for you to know how a university is trying to adjust its education to the world under a coronavirus pandemic.

We would like to introduce the contents of this “Online Class / Web Conference Portal Site” in a coming series of posts.

(Please note that the website was created in a short time with some unfinished pages and is subject to frequent updates and changes due to the fluid situation of the pandemic. The website was launched by the Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo and the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education. We would appreciate further cooperation of people/institutions affiliated with the University to improve and refine the contents.)

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